Im talking about the newish game for the Nintendo Game Cube, has anyone here played the game? And liked it?
I bought it today thinking it would be similar to the Zelda and Mario games, and in ways it is. But its missing something.
I remember reading reviews and got the impression that the game was going to be the next best thing for the GC. I can only hope that that isnt the truth…
I suppose to be fair, I only played it for an hour or two and Im still only getting into the game, so hopefully it does get better. Can anyone tell me if it is a big diasapointment? Or should I have bought the Harry Potter game instead?
For one player, it’s fairly simple: hack, slash, run, heal. The mazes get more challenging, the monsters get tougher, but the basic pattern of “get close until they attack, then dodge and hit them” remains.
With more players, it’s more fun. You lose the moogle, so there’s always somebody in the unenviable position of hauling the bucket around - but this person also ultimately decides where the group goes, so he’ll need to be protected. The players get different information on their screens, so there’s a group activity of sharing what you know while individually hiding your objectives to get the best loot that pops up at the end of a level. Multi also needs cooperation to bring on the combo spells. In single player you can get some combos by putting the balls next to each other in your inventory, but with more than one player you’ll need timing to get multiple people to cast a spell in the same place at the right moment.
It was okay, but there was definitely a lack of any real story line. Plus, I got pretty sick of fighting the same guys over and over again. I ended up beating it after a while, but I think it would have been a lot better if I could have done it multiplayer. I wonder if the next ones they make will be more like the ones for the PS2?