The Fucking Moron Club of the SDMB

It’s official. Created by QED, I think… Whatever. It’s from that pit thread about the guy who was paid to leave. It was entertaining once, for about 20 minutes.

Anyway, the current roster is: QED, myself, [EddyTeddyFreddy], and some other people whose names I forget because I’m a fucking moron.

Anybody else want to join? Of course, you’d have to be a fucking moron not to :smiley:

Wait. Are you saying anyone who’s a fucking moron shouldn’t join? Or am I just a fucking moron? And does that mean I should join or I shouldn’t? Will there be pie?

I don’t want to join, myself, but can one nominate others?

What a fucking moronic question. Yes, there will be pie. Lots and lots of pie.

You’re in.

As long as it’s not a flame, then by all means.

I post questions in GQ that could (and will) be answered by a simple Google search. I also post MPSIMS threads that repeat what another poster already posted an hour ago.

Can I join?


Hey, wait a minute, I’ve done all of those things … oh, crap, I *HAVE * done all of those things! Aw, hell, sign me up.

No, no, no, on second thought – I don’t want to be part of a group with standards so low that it’d admit me. Fucking morons!

at last! A thread on my level :smiley:

Maybe it’s best for me to sign up just as a precautionary measure. Then when somebody accuses me of being a FuMo, I’ll at least have the consolation of knowing the secret handshake.

Do we get decoder rings? Is there a secret handshake?
How will I know if I’m accepted? What day is it?

May I suggest the Utinam Club for the gentleman of less than stellar acomplishment.

"Indeed, the name of the club explains its raison d’etre–Utinam, a Latin ejaculation
equivalent to our ‘Would to Heaven!’ or ‘Would that I could be!’ To
be eligible for membership in the Utinam Club, one must have had a
distinct object or ambition in life and then have failed to realize it.”

It’s ironic that I’ve never seen another book by this author.

The Gates of Chance by Van Tassel Sutphen
It’s like an American Sherlock Homes novel. Only this rich intellegent man believes in Lady Luck.

Hey, I’m a fucking moron too!


This is a trap. :eek:

I’m not joining any club that would have me. :stuck_out_tongue:
As Groucho Marx would have said if he ever spoke.

Moron? Check.

Fucking? Well, I might need a hand with that one.

Yeah right! Except that ‘utinam’ spelled backward is ‘manitu’! Which was the name of that evil doctor who killed Sherlock Holmes at Niagara Falls!

Nice try, Harmonious Discord– or should I say, ’ DrocsiD SouoinomarH ’ – aka COUNT DRACULA!

I don’t like fucking morons, I prefer wimmins of a higher intellectual level.

I guess that means I’m in by virtue of being out?

I, for one, welcome our new fucking moron overlords.

Why should I join your club when I have a perfectly good one of my own…

The Celibate Maroons.


Oh, don’t fawn.
Just send money.