The greatest Porn titles that spoof real movie titles

Inspired by Snooooopy’s example from this thread about the Porn Industry tradition of spoofing real movie titles. Splendor in the Ass being his example.

We’ve all heard 'em, we’ve all read 'em listed on the Preview Channel, we’ve all jokingly mocked them while trying to find the real Pay-Per-View listings in our Hotel rooms.

[sub]I would say we’ve all seen 'em, but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we at the Straight Dope achieve a level of piousness beyond such base pleasures of the flesh. Ahem.[/sub]

So, here are my Hall-of-Famers:
• Shaving Ryan’s Privates

• Scooby Do Me

• Spread Legged freaks

• On Golden Blond

• Sexcalibur

And my all-time favorite:

Six Degrees of Penetration

Post your own favorites! Fun for the whole family!

Edward Penishands

I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw that. Hilarious!

Foreskin Gump

Das Butt (or at least I think I saw that in a vid store once!)

One that I always thought humorous:
“Romancing the BONE”.

The bare wench project (not really a porn but funny nontheless)

As seen on “Friends”:

Good Will Humping
Buffy the Vampire Layer

If they’re not real pornos, someone should make them!

Willy Wanker and the Fudge Packing Factory

(No, I did not make this one up)

"The Crack of Dawn" has nothing to do with the sun rising. Rather it has more to do with places the sun don’t shine. Yikes.


*as mentioned on SNL.

Saw this one on the marquee of a gay porn theater in West Hollywood once:

Dawson’s Crack

Pulp Friction

Forest Hump

I just want to say, those who did a porn spoof of Eight Legged Freaks/Spread Legged Freaks are bloody geniuses! goes to show that even really crappy, horrible, camp films get some recognition for their genius in the porn industry.

White Men Can’t Hump


Playmate of the Apes. It was so bad it was good.

Poke My Hontas.

Not kidding.

Interview with a Vibrator

And these aren’t real movies, just throw-away jokes from *Tromeo and Juliet:

Much Ado about Humping
The Merchant of Penis
As You Lick It*

Schindler’s Fist

Wrong on so many levels.

The classic is Bright Lights, Big Titties.

Others that I’ve seen on online lists but never found out if they were “real”:
The Spoogitive
Hairy Squatter and the Sorcerer’s Bone
The Wizard of Ahhhhs

and then there’s always:
The Firm

Riding Miss Daisy

The Osporns