The "I voted" thread

Inspired by this thread. I voted and mailed it in Thursday along with Mrs Cad.

President: I really wish Harris was running for President because I just couldn’t pull the trigger for Biden or Trump. Although I abstained since “none of the above” wasn’t a choice, I secretly want Biden to win and be unable to serve on Jan 20th at noon.

Senator: Hickenlooper. As Pubby as I am I so hate that condescending ass Gardner and I firmly believe that as shady as Hickenlooper is he has Colorado’s best interests at heart.

Selected Propositions:
77 allowing our gambling cities local control of their gaming: yes
113 joining the National Popular Vote Compact: no
114 restoring wolves to Colorado: YES!
116 reducing the state income tax: no, this is not the year for Colorado to reduce tax revenue

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Have you voted yet?