The mother of all gun related questions.

[Wayne Campbell] A gun rack? Sha, right. I dont even have A gun, let alone many that would necessitate an entire rack…What am I gonna do with a gun rack? [/Wayne Campbell]


[sub]Given the constant arguments about this topic, I thought I’d try to bring some levity to the boards today.

Y’all have a nice day.[/sub]

Well, duh! With a gun rack you can hold your guns, bazookas, bows, anti-aircraft missiles, etc.

What did you think?:confused:

[sup]You have a nice day, too![/sup]

You don’t like it? Fine. You know, if you’re not careful, you’re going to lose me…


You have a nice day, too. :slight_smile:

What a dumb question. You need a gun rack sozat the back winder of your pickup truck don’t look nekkit! :wink:


QUICK! Everyone install a gun rack in the back winder of yer pickup so’s evilbeth don’t get out! If’n she gets out we’ll never catch her ass again, dammit!:smiley:

[sup]Have a nice day, everyone![/sup]

I lost you three months ago. Are you mental? :wink:

[sub]Psycho hose beast…[/sub]

[sup]PSSST! Everyone KNOWS she’s psycho… but it’s not polite to bring it up![/sup]

Heeeee. I’d forgotten that line.

Everytime I make a mistake on my computer, it says “Are you mental?”.

I love Wayne.

Uses for a gun rack:

[li]A storage space for unusually large and mishappen spice jars.[/li]
[li]Somewhere to hang bags of takeaway food on your drive home.[/li]
[li]To fool other people into thinking that not only are you a gun owner, but rather than put them on the rack you have them stored mysteriously about your person.[/li]
[li]Paint it and hang flowers from it. Lo, you make some kind of statement. All will bow down to your wisdom.[/li]
[li]Pin a sign to it that says “Are you looking at my rack?”[/li][/ul]



You hate gun racks, well I hate airmen.


so there. :wally

Everbody knows that gun racks are for fishing poles.


Whattheheck. Gun racks are made for transporting boom poles for microphones…

what’s with the violence theme?

<–wandering off, munching brownies, sipping decaf tea…

Guns? I thought that was for beach umbrellas!

I used to use mine to carry a golf umbrella.

Then I got tired of that and bolted them to the side of my workbench to hold pipe clamps.

Are they really suitable for holding evilbeth?
I’d like to see that. :smiley: <—(evil grin)