The New 10+ Commandments

Never to late! Keep 'em coming! Very funny! Writing in fragments! Must stop now!

From my namesake:

The Eleventh Commandment:

Thou shalt not get caught.

I try to live, mainly, by that one :slight_smile:


True, evilbeth, too true.

Okay, I forgive you.

Evil is good, after all. :smiley:

[/end hijack]

How bout “Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb”

Well, maybe not a commandment, exactly. But it could be one of your fundamental beliefs…

Thou shalt not emulate William Shatner.

Going to the restroom (#2) shall hitherforeto be known as “taking a Shatner”.

Hey man fuck, I’m a minister too.


That’s gotta be one huge can of beer to effect a full submersion.

Rule #1 from our high school OM team would make a good commandment here: “If you didn’t get caught, it didn’t happen.”

Thout shall not step on flaccid manatees.

Can we get rid of the “up to” part?