The next poster has played in this kind of Doper game before.
Nope…at least, I don’t think so. I usually don’t notice them until they’re roughly 300 posts long – I find the fun has generally been sucked out of games by then.
The next poster saw all six Star Wars films in the theater, the first three in both original release and re-release.
OMG, I did!
The next poster thinks that science is science, not just another flavor of opinion.
Well, yes.
The next poster disliked Avatar.
The next poster is an American who has used their passport, other than for a business trip.
Wow, you’ve described me exactly!
The next poster bemoans the fact that Firefly was canceled early, and has never really forgiven the Fox Network for this.
That is a factual account.
The next poster has a lifetime National Parks membership with at least five stamps in it.
Not so much.
The next poster secretly thinks, but will never admit, the image of punting a yapping chihuahua is funny.
I openly admit to enjoying the image of punting a chihuahua, so half points there.
The next poster has attended multiple pub quizzes, but never won.
Half true. I don’t drink, so my teams usually won.
The next poster has their browser set so that it loads a news-oriented web page upon opening.
Somebody must have a sent a signal, because that’s definitely about me and Google News™.
The next poster has put on a Band-Aid (or other generic injury cover) in the last 60 days.
One on my chin.
The next poster is addicted to Breaking Bad in a big way.
Nope, never seen it, although everyone tells me it’s good.
TNP is similarly addicted to Justified.
Never heard of it until just now.
The Next Poster was waiting until something applied to them before posting in this thread.
False, I just saw the thread!
TNP dislikes Joss Whedon like I do!
How did you know?
The next poster is a introvert.
Simultaneous post. I don’t know who Josh Whedon is.
I have not talked with anybody today, no one, nada.
The next poster has acrophobia.
As my chairlift-mate will attest.
The next poster hates kittenz.
The next poster is not very interesed in hockey.