I was really looking forward to this after the Olympics break but this was a weak episode.
Jim’s leaving town because he can’t face the wedding. Poor guy.
Dwight’s speech lifted from Mussolini.
Poor Kelly too.
I was really looking forward to this after the Olympics break but this was a weak episode.
Jim’s leaving town because he can’t face the wedding. Poor guy.
Dwight’s speech lifted from Mussolini.
Poor Kelly too.
Well, it was really good episode for Dwight. The football tackle, the speech, “vagina” — all great stuff.
The thermostat part back at the ranch was rather lame. It could have worked well in an episode that was entirely set in the office (where it slips into the background), but having to cut back just to show that pretty much killed it.
Did Angela show up at the speech or was she just nervous for Dwight and went home? I didn’t see her there, but might have missed it.
Angela at the speech. (240K)
I agree…I’d been really looking forward to this, after the interminable break. I was kind of disappointed–it started strongly with the football and tackling stuff, but I think the rest of it was sort of weak. I’m not sure why exactly.
I did find the scene where the temp told Kelly he doesn’t want to ever get married really funny though -especially when Pam tried to point out how insensitive he was being.
“I know what I said”.
She was in the back the the video camera in “disguise” (see Palooka’s picture). Michael was right in front of her on his way out of the speech.
I was waiting the whole episode for the Mussolini thing to pay off, and then I got a phone call, and missed the last 10 minutes of the whole show. Didn’t see the Jim resolution, or the speech. Ah well. That’s what summer repeats are for.
I thought the middle was lacking, but Dwight’s fist pounding speech was great. I also liked the “I’m public speaking, Pam, so stop public interrupting me.” The thermostat gag sucked, but this episode was all about Dwight, and he was hilarious.
Michael and Dwight go to the convention but Dwight is too nervous to go up and talk. Michael gives an introductory speech, makes a bunch of lame jokes and totally bombs. Dwight eventually gives his speech, in Mussolini style, and the crowd went wild much to Michael’s jeolousy.
Jim finally decides to go to Australia and buys non-refundable tickets. He is leaving on June 8th, two days before the wedding. Pam is very hurt by this.
Pam told Ryan to be more sensitive because Kelly likes him. Of course Pam needs to be more sensitive too.
Comedy gold for me was Michael starting the “Know what the difference is between a salesman and a saleswoman?” joke at the conference, then immediately cutting to commercial. When the show comes back on, you see him visibly sweating at the podium, apologizing to the deaf guy.
Man, the scene my mind created for what happened was probably 10 times funnier than what the writers could have come up with, and they were smart enough to know it.
I love that Dwight is so much in love with Michael that even though he has this fantastic story to tell about how he rocked at his speech, he gets caught up in Michael’s pointless, stupid story about a lady who didn’t have her ID.
Below average episode, but still better than most things on TV.
Also, can anyone translate what the Chinese was? I think it was Kevin or Creed who said something when talking about traveling.
This episode had some great parts, but it also had some of the really dumb sitcom-style humor that it usually avoids. In particular, Toby’s line about Amsterdam. That’s a joke straight out of “According to Jim”.
Dwight’s speech was horrifyingly hilarious, however.
I thought the thermostat stuff was funny, but that’s mostly because we’ve had the same thing going on at work all week.
The best part of Dwight’s speech was that he included plenty of arm-waving and podium pounding, but never in the right way. It was all totally random. Such an excellent, bizarre performance.
How long until everyone else discovers Dwight and Angela’s relationship? I liked seeing his bobblehead still sitting on the desk.
Poor Ryan. That’ll teach him to make out with stalker chicks from work. Kelly seriously needs to let it go.
“This is all karma for what he did to Jennifer Aniston!”
Kelly’s officially insane. Or she’s just your typical post-college sorority girl who can’t let go of crushes. She’s funny as hell, though.
Jim and Pam…yeah, keep ripping my heart out.
Kelly is stalker-hot. If I had an exit strategy I’d totally hit that after a night of drunken making out and crawl out of her bed quietly and slide down the fire escape with my clothes under my arms and push my car a block down the street in “nuetral” before I’d gun the engine and never look back.
That was a great moment; Dwight, in the face of (probably his first) public approval, remains who he is. Granted, “who he is” is an attention-craving prick, but I loved that he didn’t see the speech as changing his relationship with Michael.
Is she really? Wow, I had no idea. I must be looking at her from the wrong angle. Either that or she’s just so flippin’ annoying, I can’t see it.
Either way, I was glad the show was back. I loved Dwight’s speech. It was very funny. The awkward fist pounding and arm-waving was awesome. The look Jim gave Dwight before he gave him public speaking pointers was priceless; just priceless.
Well, by “stalker-hot,” I mean “hot for likely stalker.” She’s the type of person who’d be annoying as hell if you made the mistake of actually listening to her. Turn down the volume on your TV set, and see her attractiveness increase by 100%.
Hells yes! If she didn’t, you know, open her mouth she’d be superhot!
It was Creed who said the Chinese phrase, and it was roughly “Hello to my friends”.
Dwight’s speech was brilliant, and the best part is that Jim obviously just cut and pasted in sales-related things only as minimally as necessary so that it didn’t come across as complete nonsense. Brilliant.