The pat yourself on the back thread.

A thread to celebrate those little accomplishments in life that just don’t qualify for the 11 O’clock news.

My accomplishment. I finally made perfect Aebilskivers (ebelskivers) after several months of trying and learning from my mistakes, I made round, light, perfectly cooked tasty little gems. It’s an art. They are about 2 - 2.25 inches in diameter. Getting the batter just right, the pan the correct temperature, and turning them at the right times to get the round shape are a few of the problems I overcame. You flip them about 60-75 degrees at a time until golden brown all over, using knitting needles no less.

Thesearen’t mine, but you couldn’t tell the difference. Covered with a little powdered sugar and fresh preserves (or jam) and served hot.

I’ve got two, well two and a half.

1)I’m pretty good at fixing stuff but this one took some extra thinking. My parent’s dishwasher wasn’t running. After some time looking at it, I tracked it down to a broken door sensor. A little tiny itty bitty switch the checked to see if the latch at the top had engaged.
1.5)There were two of these switches, I’m kind of proud that I figured out why the dishwasher needed two. At one point I mentioned to my mom that she’s lucky it brok in a way that that it thought the door was open. If it always thought the door was closed then when she opened the door in the middle of the cycle to toss a fork or something in, it would keep running…ah, that’s why there’s two of them. Even if one breaks, in the ‘door’s always closed mode’ the other one will still work properly’. Got it.

2)Again at my parent’s house. They had a clog in their central vac system, somewhere in the pipes. I managed to track it down to within about 10 feet or so of the unit itself, but how to get it out. I looked around the basement and found a toilet snake and back fed it from the unit into the ‘suction’ line and broke up the wad of wall paper that got stuck in there from when they redid a bathroom a few weeks ago. It was a lot easier then cutting open sections of PVC and hoping for the best.

Today was my first day of work in five years. It’s a crappy part time minimum wage fast food job, but unemployment is 12% where I live so I guess I’m lucky to have it. It went ok; they said I did a good job.

I’m moderately insane, so it’s good for me to go out of the house and talk to humans and wear pants and stuff. My family is proud of me. :slight_smile:

I made this:

And this:

And this too:

It’s not really a lot in cosplay circles, but hey, I did it.

Some of my favorite jobs ever involved food service. It’s good work, you make a product people want and value.
Once employed, moving to the next place is much easier than if you are unemployed, so if it sucks don’t quit until you find the next job.

Thanks! It seems like I will enjoy it, but I can’t quit anyway, no matter what.

It’s funny, I applied literally everywhere in town over the last six months, got three interviews and finally was hired at this place. It took them six weeks to figure out how to get me into the computer system, and 5 times of me showing up ready to work only to be told they still didn’t have it together. :rolleyes: So, the very day before I started work for real, I get called to interview at Dollar Tree. If only they’d called me a few weeks ago!

I got engaged a few weeks ago.

And we close on our new house on Monday.

It’s been a pretty good month.

Congrats DC.

Over the past several weeks while driving to and from work I taught myself to recite the Presidents of the U.S. in order.

Now working on memorizing all the Best Picture Oscar winners in order.

Both should come in handy on trivia night.

My house is looking less and less like a hoarder’s

My house needs painting, all outside work. I have a lot of time and, well, I like to paint.

So I’m painting the bastard myself. Should be done by next spring. One piece at a time.

Well 3 weeks ago I went to the Bonnevile Salt flats for the International World Championship
archery flight shooting event. I am proud to say I came back with 2 world records. One of the records was over 20 years old and the other record someone had taken from me about 6 years ago and I just got it back.

I just spent a week at my parents’ house, husband and two year old in tow. It involved a nine hour car ride each way. All week with my parents–and they do get under my skin. And I didn’t once scream at anybody.

I made honey-mustard sauce myself, with real honey and actual mustard, instead of just using the leftover pots from fast-food places.

And it was actually tasty.

I made a really good baked ziti the other night. I’ve also finally managed to convince the Maine Coon to let me brush her every week so she actually look presentable for the first time since kittenhood. I also scored a down comforter for my eldest for only ten bucks at a garage sale.

A few hours ago, John Cusak actually responded to one of my tweets re: Chicago Baseball tonight. I asked him very nicely to stop by & post when he has time.

(may I Please Request that if he does, we be on our very Best behavior? He’s a really nice guy, a Chicago Native, and while I may not agree with 100% of his opinions, they are damned interesting/informative. If he visits, may we please make him welcome, at ease, and at home? ie light on the octopus/goat initiation? Please?)

Awful Waffle! Awful Waffle!
A few years back my sister tweeted something at Anderson Cooper and he replied to her. She was insanely thrilled by that. For Chistmas that year I went back through his 80 bajillion tweets, found her tweet and his reply, printed them out and framed them for her as well as the tweet he put out right before the show that she messaged him about to begin with so there would be some context.
The next year she tweeted something else at him and happened to mention that it was her birthday…he recorded a little (minute or two long) video for her wishing her a happy birthday and telling her what he was doing when he was her age (20 something). I know he makes a point of replying to his fans, especially the ones that try to slam him on twitter (usually incorrectly) but that was above and beyond.

Fine, next you should learn to recite the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

Hey, I can name Santa’s reindeer! :slight_smile: And yeah, I know the names of Jacob’s 12 sons (not exactly the same as the 12 Tribes, but mostly) and the Presidents in order too.

But lately, I consider it a minor success on any day if I just get out of bed and accomplish just one little chore, like taking a shower or doing the laundry or washing some dishes. But I consider it a much bigger success if I just stay in bed all day. Bonus points if I actually sleep most of that time.

Someone bought some of my sheet music online the other day. :slight_smile: Always nice when that happens.

Knowing the names of the fifty US states in alphabetical order helps. I can do it, thanks to a stupid song I had to learn in junior high.

Patting myself on the back? Hmmm. I bought overpriced popcorn from my nephew, fundraiser for the Boy Scouts. That’s what aunts do. And the popcorn is good, caramel with crunchy pecans and almonds. Drool.