The police tasered one of my neighbours last night

One of my neighbours, Eric – who has always been a bit of a nutter, but otherwise very pleasant – went berserk last night and threatened to commit suicide. He confronted one of my other neighbours with a wad of cash, saying “I’d like you to have this before I go”, then pulled out a knife and started cutting himself. She started yelling, and her dog started barking, and I happened to see it all over the fence because I was outside in my garden taking some very wet washing off the clothes line. So I ran inside and phoned the police. And they certainly arrived quickly. I could hear the sirens approaching within about 30 seconds of putting down the phone. Then I went next door to help out my neighbour.

We tried to calm him down, and so did the police when they arrived, but nothing was working. So then they maced him, and when that didn’t seem to do the trick, they pulled out the taser. Ouch! Those things obviously hurt. But at least Eric was stopped from doing any further damage to himself. Then the ambos carted him off to hospital and the police took statements from us.

It was quite late before I had calmed down enough to go to sleep!

This is clearly not what you meant the OP to be about but I can’t not ask -

Isn’t that the exact opposite action you would expect to take with wet washing?

Holy Fuck!


Good job getting the police there, too bad they had to go to such extremes but sounds like “went berserk” is totally right. Hope your neighbor is going to be okay and can get some help.

My WAG - it’s raining in Sydney. And a quick Google appears to confirm.

I’m glad this situation worked out as well as it did.

As **SpoilerVirgin **notes, it had been raining heavily, so the washing was dripping wet. I took it off to throw it into the dryer.

This breaks my heart that he’s in so much emotional pain. I really hope they can get him the help he needs.

I think the big question here is: Where’s the video???


Cunctator is Down Under. They do things opposite there.

Do a spin cycle in the washing machine first!

Amazing, but the whole ‘wet clothes off the line’ thing was what caught my attention, too. Probably because I have a mound of laundry that’s bellowing my name in the basement.
Hopefully your neighbor will be getting some psychiatric help now.