As many of you know, I have been dealing with arthritis and related issues for years. I have also been obese for most of my life, expect for a several months 11 years ago, when I actually fit into a size 16 dress from JCP - so I guess, at that time I was merely overweight.
Last autumn, I made the decision that my life was going nowhere - that I was unhappy most of the time, and had no interest in doing much of anything - IOW, I was depressed, but functional, since I went to work every day, and chorus every week.
So I made a plan, a project, of things that needed to get done in a very specific order.
First: get my brain chemicals balanced and under control. Done. I’ve been on Prozac since December.
Next: pay attention to what goes in my mouth. Ongoing. I stopped putting sugar in my coffee, and spent most of the convention I recently attended away from junk food and alcohol.
Third: do something about my right knee. Since surgery is not an option at this time (I’d promised the surgeon I wouldn’t ask for the replacement until I was under 300 lbs), I had the Uflexxa shots. They have helped, in spite of my spill two weeks ago.
Fourth: have the lap band checked. It’s still in place and still functional. But my stoopit food choices and eating habit over the last few years have stretched my esphogus. The fix is to stay on “full liquids” (including pureéd soups, yogurt, and the like) or very mushy, smooth foods (so that they slide right down) to allow my esphogus to return to its proper shape. Ongoing (and I am dying for something crunchy, dammit!).
Fifth: Organize the house. Ongoing. My desk has ben cleared up, and the new toy is up and running (only three weeks after I bought it). The kitchen is the next room I attack.
I figure it will take two to two and half years to get to a weight I can live with. In the meantime, I continue to let the little things roll off my back, and each day, I’m a little bit happier. At this rate, I’ll be able to replace the right knee in 2010 (assuming, of course, I can get an appointment that soon - he’s very much in demand) (also assuming I don’t chicken out and try to live with the creakiness).
It all comes down to me. The me that’s screaming to get out, that is. That’s the prize inside me that I am going to find.
Have a lovely week, all.
ETA: Yes! First! Wooooooooo!
(I suppose I should comment on the OP now, yes?)
rosie, it sounds like you’re on the right track, and I hope that you’re seeing some progress as a result of all that hard work… it’s really hard to change long-standing habits, but sometimes it’s the only option you’ve got. If anything, you’re one heck of a role model for procrastinators like me.
And speaking of procrastinators like me, I need to start going to the gym on a regular basis again. I’ve slipped from borderline overweight to just plain overweight, and it really bothers me. Plus, what stands between me and Prozac-for-life is a regular dose of natural endorphins… which explains why I’ve been so mopey lately. So, starting this week, yours truly is taking a weekly yoga class. Every week. No excuses.
Good luck with the changes, rosie.
Woo and hoo!
Fabulous OP rosie, and a standing O for the courage to post it. I am there with you on so many levels, the most imminent being that I am in the process of the final tests for my gastric bypass. You go girl! Anytime you need it, I have your back. Congratulations on your accomplishments and for actively working on goals!
Great OP. hugs and high-fives to you. I’ve been struggling myself these past few months and its so helpful to see someone taking control and getting on top.
Thank you.
Excellent OP, rosie. Keep us updated on your progress!
As for prizes in procrastination? I just sent my last two work e-mails that were supposed to go out no later than Friday? I just sent them. From my Mom’s house, where I’m on vacation, using “borrowed” internet connectivity.
Happy almost Monday, all!
Great OP, rosieand well done with all the positive changes that you’re making. I’ve been doing the dieting thing for about 18 months now and although I’ve kind of hit a plateau just now, things are still going well. It’s a slow process but the rewards are there, I just have to keep saving up for that new wardrobe!
I am all partied out today and it’s only Monday. We went to a big birthday party over the weekend and although I wasn’t drinking at the party because I had to drive, I made up for it when we got home. So after drinking my own body weight in vodka and finally falling into bed at 8am yesterday, I am pretty much recovered. It was fun, we weren’t expecting much from the party and it lived up to expectations but it was good to catch up with some folks we’ve not seen for a long time.
This coming weekend I’m off up to Scotland for a couple of days as ‘im indoors’ younger sister is 40 at the beginning of August and is having her party early as she’s spending her birthday sunning herself on a beach in Mexico.
Dang, rosie, I knew you were dealing with a lot of stuff, but still… dang! But it sounds like you have a plan and the right attitude, and you know Mumpers are more than willing and able to give you encouragement or wet trouts as required.
I’m here early because I forgot I go to work later today. We’ve got 4 days of training, including some weird scheduling changes, so today and Weds, I go in late and stay till *ugh *5. **FCD **has just left for his last 2 weeks at his current job, wondering if he’ll be sent home anyway. And I’ll shower shortly, have some breakfast, then head out so I get there by 8. I’ve got to check the critter kibble and clean the cat box, too. Woohoo! yay Monday.
We might get a little rain today (fingers crossed) and it’s still cool enough to leave the house open. Otherwise, just another day in paradise.
Happy Monday, all!
I’m packed, showered, prettified and waiting on the shuttle to take me to the airport.
You go rosie! Change is hard and I wish you every success.
My tummy is a little wonky this morning. I’m thinking that once I get some coffee in me, I’ll be fine.
Time to see if the shuttle is here.
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. Yeah, I know, why am I not sleepin’ in. I went to bed at ten last night and slept until 6:15. I pulled an all nighter. Didn’t get up even once to pee, so I’m well rested. What? At my age an “all nighter” means not havin’ to get up to go pee.
BioRosie great OP! That’s a lot to accomplish but you have what looks like a well thought out plan. I know you can do it! Like Muppet said, it’s hard to break or change long standin’ habits but we’re all behind you. You know you can always come here for encouragement.
It’s only 68 degrees Amurrkin outside! It must be a sign of the Apocalypse! :eek:
Outside of makin’ dindin, which is mostly done, no big plans today. I might get a haircut. If it’s sunny out I think there will be some pool time too.
Happy Monday Y’all!
I woke up to completely uncooperative insides, and a very impatient kitteh. I called in, because even the half hour trip to work is a gamble. The kitteh has been satisfied. And here I sit, until nature calls, which should be any minute.
Thank you for all the encouraging feedback. Evidence of my progress is the fact that I am so open about this. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, I realize that now. My situation is a result of my own actions, no one else’s, so the responsibility to fix things is all mine as well.
Another piece of evidence is that I’ve had to tighten the drawstring on my work pants twice since this project began.
Up, caffeinated, off to work.
rosie, good for you, and good luck. It sounds like you’ve got a great plan, and you have us as cheering squad to help!
Sorry I’ve been MIA. Life’s been a little wacky. We’ve been househunting, signed the lease on Saturday, and will be moving on September first. We’ve started painfully de-junking.
And I’m pregnant again, and due on March 2oth. Crossed fingers, sticky thoughts, and prayers appreciated.
another mini mumper is one the way!! w00t! :):):)
Good for you, Rosie. I need to do some of the same work on myself, but it’s so hard. I suck at staying motivated. I am eating healthier, but I still eat too much and drink too much. I’m sorry you have an icky tummy today.
At lunch today I’m going to go get this new kind of leash (new to me, anyway) for Lucy. It keeps the dog from pulling by making her head bend down whenever she pulls. No pain involved, just annoying. Then maybe I will start walking the dogs every night like I was doing before. It was too much of a hassle to walk her before, and letting her off leash was too out of control.
I’ve thought about yoga, too, Muppet. I might look into that. Doesn’t sound as sweaty as other stuff.
That’s the main reason I hate to exercise! I hate being sweaty! That’s so lame.
I think I slept all night, too, Swampus. Well, I stayed in bed all night. Hubby woke up waaaay early and I noticed he was missing a couple of times.
Oh! We got some rain Saturday night! It was fairly bad timing, though. We all three went out to dinner and had some fabulous steaks, but as we were leaving it started pouring! Raining sideways even! Why can’t we just have normal weather, huh? Extreme drought, or raining sideways. We all got soaked to the skin, then five minutes after we got home somebody turned off the faucet. We have a good chance of rain for the next three days, so that’s good. We’ve cooled down to the low 90’s.
Have a good trip, Taters!
Well - better get busy.
Happy Monday, all!
ETA: Yay for mini-mumpers! Congrats, LiLi!
Rebo, I’m a big fan of yoga as a way of getting slowly back into shape without too much agony. It’s still a good workout and you’ll still break a bit of a sweat during some of the flows, but you won’t be heaving for breath and there’s no requirement to keep up with a bouncy enthusiastic blonde at the front of the class the way you do with some of the aerobic classes.
Sending lots and lots of sticky thoughts your way, LiLi. And a few non-pukey ones, while I’m at it, since I’m sure those will be needed eventually.
Hugs and kisses for the rest of y’all. Rushing off to a meeting… will be back later with more to say, I’m sure.
Yay for findin’ a house LiLi and sendin’ sticky thoughts your way!
I purtified. That’s a step, right? Now all I need to do is just get in the car and go do stuff I need to do.
Maybe that’ll happen soon.
Rosie, you go girl!! As a soldier in the never-ending battle of the bulge, I salute you! I had myself in pretty good shape weight wise until I quit smoking and, although I didn’t know it at the time, my thyroid began to give up the ghost. Now I find myself back in need of serious damage control. Story of my life. :rolleyes:
rebo, be sure you check out what type of yoga is being taught before you sign up. One class I attended the studio was at about 100 degrees with heaters and everyone sweat up a storm. I discovered also that my wonky balance prohibits many yoga procedures.
I wanted to see Harry Potter with my daughter this weekend but we didn’t quite make it and watched the Golden Phoenix on DVD instead. Silly me didn’t realize that I’d already seen it.
I see swampy has returned and I’m too lazy to look back at the old MMP so was there anything interesting about his absence that I should know?
Much work to do today so I’ll say laterz!
I am a newcomer to the MMP… I sometimes read what is going on… but I don’t usually post.
Today, I had to! Anyrose, you are FANTASTIC!
ok, I hit send before I was done!
Anyrose – you are an inspiration to many! Good luck in the months to come, and as always, Keep your Eye on the Prize!!!
That’s great rosie. We’re always here with encouragement and support.
Yay for the new house, LiLi, and yay for the baby with an extra dose of sticky thoughts.
Was rigs around last week? Over the weekend I realized I didn’t remember hearing from her recently. Glad to see you back, too, kai.
I was single for the weekend as KT was in Chicago for a music festival. He just got back this morning and headed straight for work so I haven’t seen him since Friday evening. He had fun, though, and I had a good weekend. Went to the Arboretum with a friend on Saturday morning. Went to the farmers’ market but only had $3 (including $1 of quarters 'cause I didn’t have any cash… not from lack of funds but just from not going to the bank to get cash) so was only able to get one package of peas and nothing else. Did a lot of knitting - enough that my finger’s getting a callous. Watched Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 'cause it’s a girly movie and I was on my own so I could do that. So nyah. Biked to and from church yesterday and was exhausted by the time I got home. But made cookie bars 'cause I’d previously signed up to make them for Monday when our church has its monthly dinner at the homeless shelter. I was supposed to make them on Sat and take them with me to leave at the church on Sun. But since I forgot, I had to take them to someone’s house later yesterday afternoon - an even longer drive than church, which kind of negated my “green” effort of biking to church instead of driving kind of driving. Oh well.
I talked to my ex-bf, whom we used to refer to as TaxiDriver, yesterday. He’s doing well, but his dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. He had some other kind of cancer about 15 years ago (can’t remember what kind) so he may not be eligible for radiation this time, which could make treatment more difficult.
We’re getting measurements taken tonight for our new garage door and a final estimate. Hopefully we’ll be able to schedule to get that installed soon, which will be good.