The Real Story of ChainSaw Massacure

The real story is that Peter Gusen owned a dairy farm that was attacked by cave dwelling vampire bats. His cows kept getting attacked and so did the family over and over. They contracted rabies and he lost his mind. While the shots helped they didn’t help the post tramactic stress disorder that came with the bat attacks. He became very affected and so did his family. He was in a church once that was attacked by bats and I was there. The bats attacked me and also crapped all over a crucifix with a gold Jesus on it and yes it was a catholic chruch. This man was very affected by vampires because of the bats and the invention of TV and vampire movies. Anyone that had been attacked by bats or had sharpteeth was subject to being taken to the farm for blood letting because in order for them not to attack the cows,sheeps, etc or attack his son who played with doodle bugs aka marbles outside at all hours of the night you had to give blood to him to sit outside so the bats could feed. His children later on in life that ran the butchering part of the farm became the terror of arkansas since it was here in Traskwood arkansas not texas that the massacure occured. He wore a cowhide mask in the butcher shop becasue it kept the blood off his face and so did the kids. One of the kids was really wild at the time over a female and he took over a neighboring farm and killed them one by one wearing the cowhide mask. They tracked him down in Saline County arkansas at the back of the small airport and it was a big thing he went to jail as a mass murderer under the name of Gusen not Hewitt. I am not a Gusen but I am one of the kidnapped by them to feed the bats. Somewhere in traskwood there is a cave full of bats that still come out to feed and yes the Guesn’s are still alive and ride at night wearing the cowhide masks and terrorizing the whole saline,grant,and hotsprings county area only cause that’s the area that they know. Any place else they get lost. Especilly if doodle is driving the truck cause he’s the nervous one you know. Some do use other names so you never know when your talking to a gusen and you just might be kidnapped to feed the bats in Traskwood.-Dixonville area.

Welcome to the Straight Dope. I believe the column you’re commenting on is Was The Texas Chain Saw Massacre based on a true story? (28-Mar-1997). It’s always nice to have additional and alternative information to the Straight Dope column, so I’m glad you stopped by.

Bats? Post-traumatic stress disorder? Dead family members?

I think Bob Kane beat you to the punch, bub.

Well that clears that up.

It’s true it - happened to me and not only did the bats kill me with chainsaws, they also ate all my carriage returns with their pointy little teeth.

There are no vampire bats in Arkansas.

Well I never: gusen traskwood is a genuine Googlewhack. I’ve never seen one before.

(Just don’t tell Dave Gorman; I don’t want him to get eaten.)

Now that really** is** a cool movie plot. Ed Gein is a silly-willy compared to that kinda bat fueled action. Chainsawvictim, you need to get on the Hollywood horn with that, it’s a winner.

And, as John W. Kennedy mentioned, vampire bats don’t range much north of Mexico.

Now that really** is** a cool movie plot. Ed Gein is a silly-willy compared to that kinda bat fueled action. Chainsawvictim, you need to get on the Hollywood horn with that, it’s a winner.

And, as John W. Kennedy mentioned, vampire bats don’t range much north of Mexico. If you know of a colony of vampire bats in Arkansas, it would be a truly great find, and you’d get a whole lot of attention with that from eager biologists.

Looks like there’s a ready made sequel :wink:

Paragraphs are your friends.

No it isn’t. The rules for Googlewhacks are that they have to be 2 dictionary words, with definitions on or similar. Proper nouns don’t count


Shift keys are nice as well.

I can has bafflement?

Well, this should make dropzone happy, anyway.

Is there balm in Gilead?

Bob Keane as well! Wasn’t Jeffy attacked by bats?

It brought a tear to my eye with its pure wackiness. :slight_smile:

We’ll be able to identify these people by asking them to say “colour supplement.”