The Shield: Season 4: Episode 5

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

Have fun watching Shane beg for his life.

Great episode tonight. I loved the tape of Dutch on his date–a hilarious portrayal of his character that fits perfectly.

The bust worked out great for Vic, but it is obvious that Shane is going to pay for his failure to report the raid to Antwoine.

Aceveda is such a jerk. I can’t wait for him to get bit in the ass by his affair with the hooker.

I hope they are planning on going somewhere with this newly developing story line for Julian. I wonder if he is going to lash out against the white majority at the Farm for the behavior. Could be interesting.

Wow. Great last scene there. Can’t believe Antwon actually shot the kid. This is the begining of the end for Shane. He’s going down and going down hard.

You know, everyone was talking about Glenn Close and how she was going to add oomph to the show. But really I haven’t been to impressed with her. No, this season’s break away has to be Atwon. Anthony Anderson is playing him to the fullest. He is such a great actor. This is a long way from Kangaroo Jack and Agent Cody Banks 2. Glad he has got the chops to pull it off.

Aceveda… well what can I say? He rocks and at the same time he is an asshole. The captain should have known he was going to burn her.

Another rock solid episode.


Interesting episode. No plot playouts, lots of stuff growing.

Spoilers (doesn’t seem that anyone who hasn’t seen the show replies anyway, but…)

Man, I always knew Antwoine was bad, but that was some seriously cold shit. That is one mean motherfucker. How soon before Shane throws in the towel and begs Vic for help (admitting what he did)?

Claudette - is she going to sit still for this, or make Dutch pay? Will they remain partners (my guess is yes, it’s too good a dynamic to change it now).

Not sure exactly what Vic is in trouble for next episode, as he seemed a bit player in this one.

Will Aceveda recruit Julian to his side? I can see that playing out, Julian becoming an increasingly outspoken (yet internally troubled) opponent against the seizures, Aceveda talking to him privately, convincing him to say and do things that ultimately advance Aceveda’s agenda.

btw, who is the guy who plays Antwoine? he’s really quite good.

HOLY SHIT!! They capped a little girl!

Wow, this show pushes the limit. Since day one it’s been the best show on TV and they continue to amaze me.

The opening scene was a good twist. Aceveda is a different type of evil than Mackey. Morally, there is not true good on the show, only a lesser of twenty different evils. This show has a lot of good plot lines that could each will lead into something major. Bravo FX.

On a side note, I wish I could employ Mackey tactics in the office setting.

Amp answered my question.

Anyone else really struck by how good an actor this guy is? Haven’t seen him before. Shame he’s not the typical Hollywood 6-pack build, hope he gets a lot of roles.

Good ep.

Someone mentioned in the last thread, why Julian was playing a bigger role. Well now you have your answer. Talk about a 180 in one episode.

Aceveda, what a cock-blocker.

My wife mentioned that everyone stays in character in this show. Julian will always be a guy who feels a gulf between himself and the other cops. Before it was being a gay cop, now it’s for being a black cop.

Shane, Shane, Shane. When you dance with the Devil, you don’t decide when the song ends

Shane is such a fucking moron. There are so many ways to get out from under this thing…hell, the first thing he should have done was pay some bangers to torch his ride, ditched both their guns in the ocean, then reported to the hospital all beat up and told Vic the following:
He was out searching for the girl, got a tip where she might be and went there, only to be ambushed by some muscle he recognized as working for Antwoine Mitchell. They took his car, their guns and badges and beat the crap out of them.
Now, Shane still might be under some suspicion, but this would give him a plausible alibi AND put the shooting on one of Mitchell’s men.
I came up with that in about ten seconds following the scene…how hard would it be for Shane (or the writers through him) to come up with it?
Shit, failing that, go buy new barrels for your guns and toss the old ones in the ocean.
Way too many easy ways out of that frame.

I’ve always like Anthony Andersen, but before it was because he was funny. Now it’s because he can play a range from really funny to capable of shooting a 14-year old girl. :eek:

Yeah, Anthony Andersen is obviously a great actor. I mean that, he is great.

Interesting comment by Flander earlier, about everyone having their own level of evil. This has always been true, but we don’t know of any skeletons in Glenn Close’s closet. It will be interesting to see if they go that route with her eventually.

How about this line to end the show “From now on when I say suck my dick, you say ‘Should I lick your balls daddy’.” Brilliant!

Yup, I was really impressed with Anthony Anderson. I remember him from Romeo Must Die and Malibu’s Most Wanted (damn funny guy). He’s a cold MF in this show and I can feel it. Doesn’t even seem like the same guy anymore, which I think is a quality of a good actor.

Shane is screwed… I think he’ll eventually go to Vic for help, and they’ll try and take down Antwoine like they had to get rid of that other psycho foot fetish guy last season.

Great episode. Edgy, as usual, and good development of the Shane arc. Man, you just want to punch Shane in the face… I know a few guys like that, and it’s amazing they’re actually still alive.

The only thing somewhat disappointing this season is how the charater of Claudette is just not going anywhere. I hope the writers get her back in the thick of things.

THere’s a LOT more going on this season then in previous seasons, and I find I have pay very, very close attention to all the dialgogue all the time to keep up with what is going on. You sure can’t just watch this show casually!!

But I’m torn. I’ve been saying this is the best show on TV since it’s debut, but if I had to choose between “The Shield” and “Lost”, that would be a tough one. :slight_smile: Of course, “Lost” still has the novelty factory associated with it. Let’s see how it holds up after 3 seasons going on 4…

It won’t hold up, IMO. Lost is going to be just like J.J. Abrams last project, Alias. It will start off fast for a couple of seasons, then completely lose direction. The fantasy type story lines can only last so long.

So, Shield wins :smiley:

I won’t argue against that! The Shield has held up so well over the last 3 1/2 years. Just look at “24”. Both shows started about the same time, and I never thought “24”, even in its 1st season, was anywhere near as good as “The Shield”. Now, “24” is more of a joke than a show. Pop over the the “24” thread sometime and one of the most common posts is: “Gee, I only watch this show now in order to come into this thread and laugh at it”.

I wonder if that new show their advertising, the one about Iraq, will be good. Looks promising.

I’m a big fan of 24 too. I have been since season 1. It has detoriated big time, but I think we should have known this from day one. How many seasons can you pull off where Jack is saving lives and killing bad guys and so on. A great premise to be sure, but a short lived one.

I also like “Rescue Me” on FX. Another show with really good acting and character development. I tried Nip/Tuck for a while, but it seemed to be over the top just for the sake of it.

I’m looking forward to the new show which features Merlin Sperlock who shot “Super-Size Me”.

I agree about Nip/Tuck. It’s gratuitious for the sake of being gratuitious. “Look what we can get away with on TV MOTHERFUCKERS!” is the impression I get.

Of course, I watched the encore presentation faithfully, and I’ll be there for the season 3 premiere.

Rescue Me took a few episodes, but I really like that one as well.

Heh, I don’t really have anything intelligent to say about this week’s episode. Amazing, intense, and Aceveda is freaking me the fuck out.

(To continue the tangent) Me too! Normally, I couldn’t care less about “reality” TV because I just don’t care about the people. They’re total strangers, and I don’t want to listen to them whine, cry, cheer, bitch, celebrate, or whatever. But Sperlock’s “30 Days” concept actually sounds pretty damn interesting. We’ll see, I guess…

I tried Nip/Tuck for a while, but it seemed to be over the top just for the sake of it. [/QUOTE

I had a similar experience when I first watched N/T, but it really grew on my over time. I wouldn’t put it anywhere near in the same league with The Shield, but I’ll definitely watch the next season.