I caught a commercial last night during some show with a half nekkid, drunk, furrin’, blonde on VH1 last night while flipping during the game.
I’m so stoked! I’ve already requested next Friday off so I can Sim uninterrupted.
I have the husband working on getting the info we need to make sure it will run smooth as a Sim’s baby’s bottom.
The release date according to Maxis website is Sept. 17th.
The commercial had the 16th at the bottom of the screen.
My Gamers mag indicates maybe the 14th.
I don’t care! Anyway you cut it it’s less than a week!
First thing I’m going to do is make Sim babies!
Unless I find the relationship thing too fascinating, and then I’ll do that.
Of course I’ve already pre-made some characters that will need to be given homes first…
Thanks, SolGrundy!
One question I have that I haven’t seen an answer to is when a couple fights and one leaves the household, do they disappear like in The Sims, or do they go back to the Create-A-Sim, or what?
This has been of major concern since one of my favorite Sims skipped out after a fight with her husband (which was the one I wanted to get rid of).
This brings to mind a question for everyone/anyone:
Do you accept what Sim Fate decides while playing (ie if a Sim gets killed or whatnot, do you keep playing or restart the house from the last saved point?)
I go back to uni on the 19th. I hope my copy of ‘The Sims 2’ arrives before then or I’ll have to get my parents to post it to me. I can’t wait that long!
Amazon.com is listing a release date of September 14. I had already made a date to go out and buy it on Tuesday, and I’m disappointed to hear that it might not be at my friendly neighborhood Giant Shopping Conglomerate.
I’m extremely excited for this game, and it’s coming out just in time for my birthday! So of course that’s what I told my husband I want. However, that means I have to wait until the 23rd. Oh, well. I think I can survive until then. Be sure to let me know how it is, for those of you who will be getting it this week!
I’ve been pouring over screenshots and articles all day.
If I keep it up I’ll have all the free time I can handle to play the Sims2 'cause I won’t have a job.
I just called my local EBGames where I’m picking up my pre-order and asked if they’ll be getting them in tomorrow. He said it would be Wednesday when they get them in stock. I sure hope they’re in for a surprise, but I guess I should just accept the fact that I have another 48 hours before I get the game.
A Sim will never be kicked out or leave a household on its own; you have to explicitly move it out. In that case, it does go to your pool of available sims, so you can use it to start a household on its own.
Depends on how attached I am to that Sim or that family. Some of them I just set up specifically to see what happens, and whatever happens to them is cool. But there are a couple I set up specifically to try for a certain job/house/story/whatever, and if anything goes wrong I go back to my last save.
There are an awful lot of deadly kitchen fires in Sims world.
I was just watching a vidoe from gamespy.com on the Sims 2.
It was the one with the voice over on page 2.
I loved how the sister sim caught her bro-in-law making out with another sim and went and told her sister/his wife! I mean she bee-lined it out the door and let her sister know. Then sis had a nervous breakdown.
There is just soooooo much to it!
I’ve already been harassing poor Chris at EB.
Bless his hear, he looked for it.
He’s still saying probably tomorrow, but I can check back later this afternoon.
Sweet guy!
My dealer understands his junkies.
Anywho…I had the husband get all the specs and we went out last night to Best Buy and got a really good deal on ram (I think - 512mb $59) and a new Graphics card that just looks so pretty.
I loaded The Sims last night and there was a notable difference in the load and play times. :eek:
I think we went from 16mb to 128mp.
I thought about calling again this afternoon and seeing if by some miracle they got them in early. Of course, they’ll call when they’ve unpacked them, but maybe if I bug them enough they’ll do so faster.
Ooh, and I just found a $10 EBGames rebate certificate that I’m going to apply to the game. It was 6 weeks away from expiring, so I’m glad I found it. I’m also tempted to buy the strategy guide after seeing how much lee likes it.
Well, I stopped into the EB Games last night.
I said, “I’m here to ask your most frequently asked question.”
They told me, “The answer is Wednesday morning. Maybe Wednesday afternoon if it rains.”
So I’ve reserved my copy and will be getting it tomorrow. Squee…
The game is awsome! The guide book is most helpful. I created a pair of sims, moved them in and married them to each other.
Their names are Runcible and Slice Quince. Runcible is a family sim and Slice is a fortune sim.I really like how movement works as far as rotating the view etc. The eyedropper tool is awsome!