The Soup canceled on E!

So does having The Soup make fun of reality shows help or hurt them? My guess is that it helps, because a small percentage of people will tune into them just to see if it’s that bad. Kind of like rubbernecking at an accident.

I’m bummed too. I never watch it on Friday but it has been on demand and I watch it while on my exercise bike a couple of days later.:frowning:

Honestly, without the Soup, I would never even know some of those shows existed. There’s at least that part of the population that is not your traditional reality show watchers getting exposed to that side of E!

As others have said, it’s the only exposure I get to these “reality” shows, and even to some of Joel’s guests. It made me curious about some of the shows they were ripping on that I checked a few out, and then decided watching the clips on The Soup were good enough.

<sigh> ANNYYWAAY! </sigh>

The Internet.

Nowadays, any weird or interesting clip gets shared well before the program airs. They can’t compete with that. And of course your friends comments are soooo much funnier than what Greg or Joel would say, right?

Apparently Joel had signed a 2 year extension just last year, so I wonder what changed. I saw a statement from him that said he’s sad to leave but looks forward to continuing his acting career (yeah, good luck with that).

Joel was not really the main attraction anyway.

I dunno. He was at least half the reason I loved the show, and I followed him to Community simply because of his work on The Soup.

Apparently while most reality stars didn’t mind being made fun of, or actually liked it, the Kardashians never did and were able to get E to make certain topics (like the sex tape) not be talked about. Maybe they put more pressure on and wanted the show off the network completely?

Joel seems to have a prominent role in X-Files miniseries coming out next year. I don’t know if he’ll ever get another main role in a show like The Soup or Community, but he could probably make a living as an asshole supporting character in movies, he’s done a bunch of those roles.

And Joel wasn’t the main attraction, but he did his part well. There have been other clip shows that have come and gone, and Joel was better than a lot of the other hosts on other shows. Daniel Tosh is someone he’s been compared to a lot, but I really can’t stand to watch his show at all.

Although Daniel Tosh seems to be doing just fine taking clips from the internet and making fun of them on Comedy Central.

One of Joel’s go-to lines about Kim was that she was famous for having a big ass and a sex tape, he made that joke for years, so I doubt that was it.

The days of Talk Soup and the talk show epidemic were heady for E!. You couldn’t see those clips anywhere else, and Skunk Boy gave the show a character of it’s own. Since that time they faced real competition and E! turned into the Red Carpet channel. Once Howard Stern left I didn’t have any more reason to watch the channel. I’d stop in and check out The Soup once in a while, but they’ve had the same antics for years now, there wasn’t anything worth watching on the clips (there never really was at any time). All in all a pretty nice run for a show originally hosted by Kinear. I wonder what ever happened to him, he was never heard from again after he left the show.

Am I being whooshed, or are you not familiar with his extensive acting career, including an Oscar nomination for As Good As It Gets?

I also like Tosh.0, but some of the stuff he features is gross, like videos of a skateboarder injuring himself in some way. And yes, in theory, everything shown on The Soup or Tosh.0 is available on the internet, I’m too lazy to look for this stuff myself. And the writers for The Soup can be quite funny. I remember, for instance, when the Fox show Fringe premiered. One of the writers of Fringe was J. J. Abrams and he had claimed, “This is going to be nothing like Lost.” So on The Soup that week, they showed clips from the first episode of Fringe, with the plane crash, giant conspiracy and mysterious people behind everything and pointed out that it was just like Lost.

Yeah, I was gonna say…

I’m really, really bummed about this.

I’ve been watching The Soup regularly since 2004 when I was just a 13 year old kid; now I’m a 24 year old man and I still catch it every week.

So yeah, at least for me personally, this is totally the end of an era.

C’est la vie.

Get off my lawn!

Seriously, though, I’ve been watching since I was 16 or 17. That was when John Henson was the host.

They should have offered to bring John Henson back.

I hate Tosh.0. It’s everything that The Soup isn’t. It’s pure shtick. Every single sentence is a tightly scripted punchline with a real live audience to provide stock laughter. The Soup reveled in just being a “basic cable clip-show” with a host that never pretended he wasn’t reading off a prompter and an audience of just the crew & friends to provide genuine laughs (and sometimes, when the joke was weak, not!).

And yet at the same time The Soup was also a voice of clarity and reason in an info-tainment world that is so self-serving, hypocritically politically correct, utterly full of itself, and flat-out insane that a show like *The Soup *was almost like a required check and balance. I cannot count the number of times I’ve thought of Joel McHale as a 21st century Howard Beale from the film Network, each week trying to remind people- *"My god, **you *are the reality! We, are the illusion!"

I’m mad as hell… :mad:

How the hell can they cancel The Soup? I Tivo it and watch it when I have a little time to kill. Like others have mentioned, I wouldn’t even know about most of the shows they highlight if it weren’t for the Soup. I don’t imagine it has anything to to with Joel, as the show survived host changes before. I liked John Henson as the host years ago, and there would be countless comedians who could step in. And the show has to be cheap as hell to produce. I don’t get it, but I’m bummed.

Yep, you summed up all our thoughts. I could not list the amount of shows and “celebrities” I would be clueless about if Soup had not existed. Open mocking of our culture and shallow TV kept me informed.

I hope E! sees how bad a decision this is.

For the past few years I’ve always feared Joel inevitably leaving for bigger & better things showbiz wise, but why cancel it? Every host of Talk Soup really worked well, Kinear, Henson, Tyler, even the short-lived Hal Sparks. And all the other versions of the show worked well too, The Dish, Web Soup, even Sports Soup.

It’s such a simple and inexpensive show I really have to wonder if E! is finally cancelling it because of sour grapes blow-back from some of it’s other shows’ bigger, ahem, ‘stars’. IOW did the ridiculously rich & powerful Kardashians, Seacrest etc. finally complain loudly enough? It being cancelled because of this would be like the terrorists winning… :smiley: