The Spring Break Beach Party MMP

I was shopping at an Asian food shop and I purchased a jar of sweet macapuno balls (aka coconut sports balls) - a “Product of the Philippines”. But now I’m worried because the first item on the ingredient list is gelatinous mutant coconut. So I’m worried about opening the jar. Is there anyway I can determine if they are good mutants like Cyclops and Storm or evil mutants like Magneto and Mystique? To confuse matters further, I think Halle Berry and Rebecca Romijn are both pretty hot.

Should I bring them to the party?

I am doing absolutely nothing today. :smiley:

In my continuing quest to get my taxes done, I tried to log on to the mortgage site to see if the one number TurboTax is pitching a fit about is on there. I know my ex’s username and password (evil :D) but I don’t know the answer to the security question. I don’t want to email him and ask because then he’d realize that, dur-hey, I know his username and password for everything. I’ll try again later and see if it’s an answer I know. Either way, Culinary Boy and I are going to the library Wednesday for tax help–me to make sure I’m not screwing myself out of a good refund and him to add a W-2 to his taxes that arrived late.

Sometime this week I also need to get the citations for my sister’s thesis stuff. I will get this sent out by Saturday. Must help sister. Know how stressful thesis can be. Must help sister.

Look at me being all planny and stuff.

It would definitely be a different texture, but it might still be good on the crust. The muscovado is the texture of brown sugar but has an even stronger molasses flavor. So the turbinado would have less molasses flavor and a crunchier texture. Definitely worth a try!

No worries on the roast ideas, LiLi. We had steak yesterday (a friend’s family owns a ranch so she has lots of beef and just brings some over sometimes), and I made roasted cauliflower risotto to go with it. That took care of my need to make side dishes for a few days. It was really good and creamy and cheesy, and I liked the Dutch oven method for making risotto. No standing over the stove for half an hour! Win!

Howdy Y’all! Irk is ovah for the day! Only four to go! WOOHOO!!!

Salmon patties, English peas and smashed N.O.T. for dindin cause that’s what I want. Oh and bizkits.

It’s 81 Amurrkin out accordin’ to the weather thingy. Tornado watch in effect. Yep, Spring is a comin’!

It’s not a beach party if you don’t have a boombox playing the greatest hits of Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello! :smiley: And, for me, SPF 500 or so, 'cause I’m a delicate flower of womanhood.

Doggone AMVETS didn’t show up and now we’ve got all this stuff on the front porch getting rained on! I am not amused. On the plus side, daughter was supposed to be judging a science fair today, but it got canceled, so yay for that. She didn’t want to have to stay late today.

That’s all I’ve got for now - maybe more later. MWAH!!!

Going to get my hair cut tonight. It’s a local campaign to make wigs for cancer patients. My hair is almost to my waist. I’m excited!

“Locks of Love” is worth a ton of Karma points, Annie; good on you

monday irk is over. and I’m going out of town for the weekend with my poker playin’ buds

I’ve got the 'tater salad.

And a beach.


Labtrash you got your own beach? Now that’s impressive! :smiley:

Annie I agree with Rosie. Locks of love, and I assume you are donatin’ your hair to Locks of Love, is a great cause. :cool:

Dindin was good. Just what we both wanted. I got skettie sauce simmerin’ right now. Soon I shall take it off the stove so it can cool down. 'Twill be dindin tomorrow.

It’s still too warm out. 78 Amurrkin right now. The weird thing is the predicted high for tomorrow is 71. We are definitely on the cusp of Spring. Oh and I’m startin’ to see little tinges of yellow on stuff, a sure sign the pine trees will soon be in full orgy.

Ok, gonna go take the skettie sauce off the stove and surf around a bit.

Yeah, wish I had hair…

MMPfest at Lab’s!!!

Didn’t do Locks of Love this time: it’s called Great Lengths, and the hair is used to make wigs for cancer patients. As much as the Cancer Center here has done for my husband, it’s the least I could do to give back to the community.

It’s now shoulder length: they took 16 inches off.

Just as good, Ann.

Good job, Ann. I’ll have to look into that- I keep toying with the idea of donating my hair. Except then I’d have to get it cut and maybe styled, which is terrifying.

Yay Annie for donating hair!

We’ve got a beach AND a pool for this party? Cool!

A number of you up there are making me very hungry. Mostly** taxi** and LiLi. Not Little Nemo, though. :smiley:

Long long long day. Spent about 2 hours in a meeting this afternoon that reminded me of my nephew’s math homework. Fractions and decimals. Always fun. Started the day with a 3 1/2 hour meeting that was exhausting. But very productive. (Good facilitator + a few really good participants = good meeting.)

Then there was nephew’s homework tonight. He’s supposed to be learning about frames of reference. You’d think they would give him kid-friendly examples. Or at least examples that make it easy for nearby adults to explain. Nope. (This is not the first time we’ve had to help him with science homework and felt really clueless. His school district is supposed to be really good, but either their science curriculum is weak or his teacher is not great. Or both.) On the one hand, he’s learning stuff that I didn’t learn till high school. On the other hand, he’s not learning it very well and I’m not sure what good it’s going to do him in the long run…

I’ma knit for a while then go sleepy-bye…

Hugs all.


:eek::eek:Why would you want to cut me up into salad?!!:eek:

I’m ready for spring.

Fixed that for you!

That’s awesome, Ann!

When I left for work at 7 this AM it was around 60 degrees. I just got home from a marathon day and its now like 31.

I wish it would make up its freaking mind!

I’ll bring the dogs. What’s a beach party without dogs?


I’m up. Can’t sleep.