We had a (mostly) mild winter, and March was nothing to write home about. April, however, started with a BANG! We had a huge cold front literally blow through; when the county’s emergency operations post to Facebook that we need to call the electric utility if the power goes out, you know things are bad. Yesterday was cold and windy and who knows what today’s weather is going to be.
As Willard Scott used to say, what’s the weather like in your corner of the world?
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 47 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 78 for the day and sunny. Today is finish and submit EOM and quarterly reports day. Rah.
Happy Moanday Y’all!
ETA: I have no idea why I have two posts. Definitely Moanday!
Our weather will be weird this week. According to the Channel 7 weather folks, our normal high this time if year is low to mid 60s. Today, we’re supposed to see low 70s, and tonight, it’s dropping below freezing. Tomorrow, they’re saying we won’t escape the 40s. This weekend, we’re looking at 40s and 50s. This is an annoyingly stoopit spring. I should have windows open all day - instead, I’m still filling the pellet stove!
Not that it matters when I’m in the office. No windows unless I go to the reception area. Noisy, cold air from the HVAC - I need to leave a sweater here year-round, methinks. So until I leave at 3:30, there could be a blizzard and I wouldn’t know. Stoopit weather.
OK, so I’m a tad crabby. I had a broken night for no real reason. Well, except I woke up hot at one point (after being freezing when I went to bed) then I woke again dreaming that my toddler daughter (who is actually a 30-y/o middle school teacher) fell head-first into a water-filled drain pipe, and when I pulled her out, she had turned into my youngest sister when she was 8 years old. All in all, not a restful night.
But I’m in the office caffeinating, so there’s that.
Took a family friend to Ikea in suburban Mordor On The Potomac Saturday, where she spent $$$$ on stuff for her new pad. I drove, cuz I had the Family Truckster to haul all her shit back home. It (the van) was stuffed to the roof. And a gratuitous ‘Ikea still sucks’…
Lack of muscle meant we waited until yesterday to bring her bed in and upstairs, which was about 400 lbs. collectively in 4 boxes. I’m still sore this morning from it all.
Schizoid weather sucks, but it wouldn’t be spring if it stayed nice all the time.
Weather here appears to be fairly consistent this week, highs near 70F, lows in the 40’s, dry except for rain forecast for Wednesday.
My new work-badge hadn’t been properly registered (by me) so I couldn’t open my computer until the Help Desk folks got in. Just a good start to a Moanday after a weary weekend (refereed youth soccer 10am-2pm Saturday, napped 5-7Pm, went to bed about 12:30am, awoke 7am Sunday, did shopping and mowed lawn…just tired all weak-end.
My last leave requests have been approved, I’ll finish with 400 hours of unused Annual Leave (for which I’ll get paid…yeah) and 2,880 unused sick leave hours (which will be used to help calculate my retirement benefits…double yeah). Guess being healthy and do damn dumb to use leave as I earn it paid off in the long run…
Survived The Southernmost Air Spectacular. Sat was hot with blazing sun. Sun was overcast, breezy and much cooler. We estimate about 50K in attendance. I am taking today off to get rested up. I am sore all over and especially with my bum right knee acting up. I just got a text and phone call with a Command Message that all hands were to report in ten minutes for a 1000 FOD walk down of the airfield looking for foreign objects debris. This gal will not be there. I picked up trash all weekend everywhere I went. I guess I walked several miles each day. For a sedentary old fat lady that is quite enough. I did get a BRAVO ZULU text from the organizer last night. We will have an “I survived the air show” party at a later date where we all will receive a plaque. :rolleyes:
The weather is weird, today is supposed to get up to 70, then the temps drop dramatically, including below freezing at night. Rah!
The agenda for today is to to get together all the stuff the mortgage company needs. I’ve already sent the stuff I have, I need to talk to somebody about the stuff I don’t have.
We’re still debating adopting a cat.
There are two at the shelter that I may like, one poor girl has been there almost a year.
One of this weekends delights was when Sah-son woke me up to tell me there were no less than 5 mice cavorting in the kitchen. That explains the pile of grit on the powder room floor. they chewed through the wall under the door frame. So far I’ve trapped two, we put poison out last night. I didn’t want to, because I don’t like dealing with the smell of dead mousies in inaccessible places.
I don’t get it, we get rid of them and more come back. The floors get vacuumed/swept everyday, food is put away, I have an electronic plug in thingie, we’ve been spraying rodent repellent and/or peppermint oil around on a regular basis - and yet the little buggers seem to like my house.
I need some breakfast. I’ve got a ton a laundry to carry upstairs, a dishwasher to unload, and a few phone calls to make.
Strange weather. 70 one day 35 the next, rain – lots of rain, and one of the few times we’ve had snow on the grass was yesterday. This whole week is expected to be the same – mostly wet and bouncing around in terms of temps.
Winter returns to Michigan. :eek: No warm weather in the foreseeable future! At least in the next two weeks but forecasters have been known to be WRONG!:dubious:
We had ice late last night but it seems to have dissipated and replaced with “chunky” snow but no accumulations
Oh and if April showers bring May flowers
What does May Flowers bring?
Yeah you’ve heard that one
Lots of birds arrived in our 60 degree days in the last few weeks are now COLD!!
I’ve never seen this many robins in one area ever:eek: I love hearing the birds chirp again after the cold winter
Much-needed lunch break! I don’t know why Creo hates me this morning, but I’ve had to reboot it several times. I shan’t comment on its current state lest I curse it.
I made a Dr appt for next week for my annual state-of-the-carcass review. Which means some time this week, I need to have blood drawn. Since it’s better to have fasting blood levels, I’ll plan to be sitting there when they open the doors at 7:30 in the AM, and with luck, I’ll be in the office by 8. Then I see the Dr at 3:15, so I’ll have to leave an hour early that day. With luck, all the numbers will be good and I’ll just get my meds renewed.
I also intend to cancel my next meeting with the orthopedist - my shoulder is getting better with exercise and stretching. I see no reason to subject myself to the aggravation of being left waiting in an exam room because she’s too important to worry about schedules. If problems crop up in the future, I’ll find another practitioner. Luckily, BC/BS is widely accepted, so I’m not limited to network doctors.
As my one Abenaki buddy says “Before the Europeans came, the women did most of the work and had most of the responsibility and all us men had to do was hunt, fish and maybe get into a fight now and then. Then you show up and tell us “we know a better way”. We should have kicked your arses back into the sea right there and then.”
Happy First Day of Summer! aka Opening Day, which is why we have a :eek: Freeze Warning for tonight & a Freeze Watch for tomorrer night. :eek:
Sari, you need a cat.
Butters, I’ve worked EMS at air shows before; we’ve had lotsa Bambilances from the surrounding area as stand-by units for the large crowd; however most of your surrounding area is H[sub]2[/sub]O. How far away were you pulling resources from?
My sister traveled from Nevada to Virginia Beach last night-- she caught a plane from Salt Lake City to Philadelphia, and then from Philadelphia to Norfolk. She’s visiting Grandpa, but she’ll also get some time with Mom and me this week. We’re planning to take her to see Zootopia, get her to eat my mac 'n cheese which I’m very proud of, meet our landlady and her family, and meet our church family. Haven’t seen her in six years. Looking forward to it.
We’re supposed to be pushing close to 90 on Wednesday as the meteorological centerpiece to a week of “warm and breezy.” Sounds like I best keep an eye on my mater plants and beans that are being grown from, well, beans in little peat cups.
[QUOTE=me, last week]
No great news on the DH front. We’re in a bit of a race condition to see what happens first - approval for the new drug is granted, or the complicated planning for radiation treatment is completed. We should be doing one or the other by this time next week.
And the winner is… Radiation starts tomorrow. It’s not the ideal course, but it is doing something, which is important as the tumor has been getting visibly larger day by day.
Howdy Y’all! Moanday has been survived. YAY! Actually it was not too awful. All the monthly and quarterly stuff is done which is always a good thing. Dindin shall be beast tips 'n rice, field peas with snaps, squish and corn bread. Da bear is in down home cook mode.
Butters congrats on survivin’ the air show.
flipper yay for sis comin’ to visit! Y’all have a good time!
gotti prayers and good thoughts for DH and you.
Sari the cat would have all sorts of treasures to bring you. Definitely you should get one.