No double entendre allowed
No sarcasm allowed
No similes or metaphor allowed
No smilies allowed
No d&r allowed
SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, and nothing else.
Based solely on what I’ve read of his posts and knowing absolutely nothing about him personally, I find Coldfire to be sexually attractive. This is mainly because he lives in Amsterdam. I have a picture in my head of what he looks like TO ME, and I do not want it altered. He is a fantasy man.
I wish to engage in vaginal sexual intercourse with him.
Do you wish this in your fantasy world or in person? Not to pry but it would seem important. In person would seem preferrable but it might impact your fantasy vision. Much like a movie sometimes ruins characters you visualized differently when reading a book. Then again the real McCoy (err…Coldfire) could be even better than your fantasy.
Some guys have all the luck…of course I believe you make your own luck but Coldy is lucky nonetheless (note: that is not sarcasm).
Simetra and Whack a mole have made me happy because they chose to participate in my game. Responses to a thread that I’ve started make me smile and validates my existence.
Because you have taken away every avenue I have for couching my meanings and intentions, this is the most terrifying thread I have ever attempted to participate in. As a result, I am reduced to only being able to make the most extremely innocuous and banal observations.
People don’t seem to comment on my posts all that often. While not invalidating my existence, it does sometimes make me wonder if my comments and questions are worth posting at all.
After careful consideration and several minutes of deep-breathing exercises, I believe I have sufficiently overcome my anxiety and am now able to participate more fully.
If we were both single and she were amenable to the idea I would spend numerous days pushing jarbabyj towards the pinnacle of physical sexual gratification.
She is not the sole female Doper I feel this way about.
Yeah, Tygr, I know what you mean. I’m not sure I’m even capable of speaking straightforwardly on the SDMB anymore (if indeed I ever was).
Lessee here…
I’m drawing a blank. (And cliches are too allowed, Simetra; jarbabyj didn’t say nothin’ about no cliches. Although maybe there should be a bad grammar rule.)
[sub]Oops. Almost put in a winking smilie there.[/sub]
I think that Jarbaby should allow her fantasy to be altered by looking at the Dopefest pictures containing Mr. Coldfire. I say this because, although I have no idea what her fantasy Coldy looks like, I think the pictures of the real thing- and, one can assume, the man himself- are impressive as hell.
I’m disappointed with myself that I did not go to DragonCon this year, even though it’s not that far and I had originally planned to go. I say this because the more I read her posts, the more I would like to have had the chance to hang out with Arden Ranger.
I would give my right arm at this point for someone I can actually have a friendly email relationship with. I just want someone to banter with, on cosmic and not-so-cosmic topics, cause I express myself better in writing than in person. An email to look forward to every day. There are many Dopers I would like to approach with such a proposal, but I’m terrified of rejection and everyone seems so busy all the time.
I have a paper and presentation due tonight, and the paper isn’t finished and the presentation is less-than-stellar. I’m also planning on doing a class exercise that has the potential to alienate even more of my peers, and the number of classmates that can actually tolerate my presence is dwindling rapidly. I spent five hours yesterday doing neuropsych testing, my brain hurts, and I don’t want to be at work anymore. So I’m here in a vain attempt to distract myself from the impending doom. Five hours, 57 minutes and counting.
I wish for jarbaby to validate my existence by traveling out of state with me, and the two of us engaging in vaginal/penal sexual intercourse, oral sex, and various other sexual practices, including (but not limited to) bondage and other SMBD for a period of not less than one full week.
I have found the people on this board to be generally witty, smart, fun, and open with their lives. I have also found, in person, several females who fit within these parameters as well as having the added bonus of being very attractive, not ALWAYS in the classical beauty sense, but in MY beauty sense. The fact that they are either married, lesbians, or live far away (or all three), leaves me a single man. This does not cause much distress in my life. But I do miss good relationships.
It is my belief that after this paragraph, bobkitty will have people falling all over themselves to send her e-mail. I would myself, but I’m at work right now, so I probably shouldn’t start up an e-mail correspondence from that address. If she could wait a few hours, I would of course be happy to oblige.
[sub]Jeez, when I type like that I keep picturing Fred MacMurray.[/sub]
Well, if we’re being straightforward, I’d have to say that I’d like to have sex with Ed Zotti. He’s at that incredibly sexy age where razor-sharp wit combines with the ability to have mature, intelligent conversation.
I always picture Ed Zotti as a Woody Allen look-alike therefore I’d never be able to have sex with him.
There are a few dopers here whom I would like to have sex with (or at least fondle a little) The first two that come to mind are quixotic78 and thinksnow. I’ve read a lot of thinksnow’s posts and I think he’s really funny and I’m attracted to men with a good sense of humor and I read in quixotic78’s profile that he likes to have sex with women and that’s good enough for me!
This strikes me as the most atypical flirt thread I’ve ever seen on the boards. At the moment, I’m unable to formulate a flirt, typical or otherwise - methinks I’m getting a cold. Because of that, I can’t think of any place I’d rather be right now than under a pile of comforters in a dimly lit room, as my special someone prepares hot cocoa and something yummy to make me feel better. A foot rub would be nice too.
That’s as straightforward as I can be at this moment.
Having just recently seen a picture of Coldfire with his motorcycle, I must reiterate my desire to have him make love to me on a regular basis, if he promises to get permission from my husband first.
The rain today in Chicago is affecting my mood and so being witty would require too much effort.
Is grammar correction allowed? Because I was just wondering whether Superdude meant to say penile, as opposed to penal. I’m into bondage foreplay as much as the next person, but I think imprisonment is taking it a little too far.
Oh, BTW, I have seen pictures of Coldfire and I think he is yummy too.