The sweetest thing that can be done

Is to cry for another’s pain.


Pass the bong when you haven’t quite gotten your high.

Offer someone the next to last sip of beer.

Write something nice to your SO on actual paper.:smiley:

Telling your friend and coworker that he accidently shaved off one sideburn rather than letting me walk around like a moron for 2 weeks before I noticed.

Err did I say me?

OESGal wrote:

That might work if your SO is female, but if your SO is male, he would probably prefer a blow job. :wink:

Actually I did mean to say as much myself, thanks. :rolleyes:

… so how’d Com2Kid get banned? 'Nother sock puppet?

I myself have given the ultimate sacrifice that a man can give to a woman. No other act of love bring more appreciation, although it means you have to wait a few days. Yes my fellow Dopers, I have purcased feminine hygeine products for my wife WITHOUT buying a bunch of other stuff to bury them in the shopping cart. I even bought a package of pads and bought nothing else. It is a very humbling experience.