The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making Part Deux (Part 1)

Here’s a bit of good news.

# Trump’s sway over Lindsey Graham — and all Republicans — is weakening

“Footstool” - heh. I picture Graham like the Mexicans hired as furniture in the Sascha Baron Cohen film Bruno.

I liked “Trump-backed challenger.” :slightly_smiling_face:

Not the entire court. A subset. I hope they take it to the full court.

If ever a case cried out for an en banc review, this would be the one.

This was not covered in my law degree, which I got from watching all 348 seasons of Law & Order.


Trump “Nobody Knew” compilation:


I think it’s well established that when Trump says “Nobody knew this before”, what he really means is “I didn’t know this until someone recently explained it to me with the aid of puppets and a coloring book.”

Fantastic. Start to finish. (Great way to end it, too).

Man, he looked so proud himself delivering the little known fact about Lincoln. If ignorance is bliss, that’s the happiest motherfucker on the planet.

Or, as the Perfect Master once said, “if ignorance were corn flakes, [he’d] be General Mills.”

If the seven deadly sins were virtues, he’d be the archangel Gabriel.

I’m assuming he’s popping the hydroxychloroquine pills, sniffing the carbon monoxide, and shooting up the bleach. Which means we know where he can stick that sunshine.

I’m not sure of the exact legal ramifications of this. Does it mean the border wall is now part of Alabama?

The court should sentence him to writing all the names on it. He’s so fond of Sharpieing government property.

I am loving this idea.

For his community service, every day Trump gets up from the camp where he is living, and is taken to his beloved wall.

There, he repeats his task from the previous day(s); Using a Sharpie, he continues to write the names of every single person who died of Covid-19 under his leadership. Unlimited Sharpies are on hand, given to him by his only companion, William Barr. After 500 names in the hot, hot sun, he’s allowed to go back to his small tent in the camp, which he must share with Mr. Barr. Repeat every single day for at least a year.

Not just Barr. I think Rudy should be there too.

He should start with the names of the people who died in his border camps. Once he’s done with them, he can move on to people whose deaths he caused in other ways.

Agreed. And Rudy can be there too. We will give him toilet cleaning duties for the camp. And personal wiping.