The truth behind Asian sex baskets

My coworker’s boyfriend’s brother is a Marine. :rolleyes: She relayed the following tale to me. In Vietnam (and other Asian countries) brothels offered a service where a prostitute was placed in a special basket with a hole in it. The basket was then raised to the ceiling and spun so the cords wound up. Then a naked Marine would lie under it. After he got hard the basket was spun and lowered. He then fucked her through the whole as she was spining (or rather lied there and let the spinning do the work). Is any of this crap actually true? :dubious: It sounds more painful (& not in a good way) than pleasurable.

As they say, “If somebody can think it up, then someone has tried it.” Beyond that, the veracity of a claim that it was a common practice in Asia . . . I don’t know and am not very interested in researching the project. I’ll leave it to someone else.

Er, what? According to this website it exists in Thailand… but I have never heard of this practice before. It sounds like an urban legend. I suppose it could be true - I don’t pretend to be intimate with all the odd sex practices in Asia - but I was brought up in Korea and this is the first I’ve heard of such a thing.

I saw this soft-core porno called Kama Sutra or something where an Indian girl twists herself up with ceiling-hung scarves Cirque de Soleil style and then untwists over her partner. Probably not the best position ever, but a unique way to kick things off.

Here’s a site that seems to sell a functional equivalent. Not really as quaint as a basket, but I can imagine it working in the same fashion. On sale now for $199! Perfect for that difficult to buy for relative.

NSFW Link broken:
http:// www.

I know they exist so I did a google on Sex Baskets and came up with this (safe for work)
:smack: Not quite what I was looking for.
Try a google on sex swings, and you will get some ideas.

I have heard that called the “Chinese basket trick”.

I should be clearer - I am not doubting the existence of the practice itself; just the fact that it originated somewhere in Asia.

Actually the adjective “Chinese” often doesn’t mean “from china” but rather"strange and unusual." So “Chinese basket trick” never claims it actually comes from china, but it might’ve been what the op mangled as “asian basket trick”

I’m still trying to figure out why you have the “rolls eyes” icon following this sentence.

And yes, I’ve heard of these chairs but just word of mouth.

I heard about it 24 years ago while I was in the army, from an NCO who had been a private stationed in Viet Nam during the late 60’s or early 70’s. He said it was a swing, and in a brothel in Thailand while on R&R.

Because I heard it from someone heard it from someone who heard it from someone who heard etc etc.

A friend of mine in the Navy brought one of these baskets home from the Phillipines for his wife. They tried it. The results were more humorous than erotic, at least from their retelling.

I’ve never heard it associated with any specific ethnicity, it was just called a basket fuck. But the only place I ever heard it associated with was the Phillipines in the late '70’s. And it was available there for not too many pesos. Or so I was told, I never tried it myself.

hehe. I have a sky chair hanging in my living room, and another on my back porch. They are veeeery comfortable. The only down side is that when people first see them, they assume. . .

(not that there is anything wrong with that)

Hi! Come on in and get *completely * comfortable. :wink:

I guess in some circumstances it might be a refreshing alternative to the fruit basket or the muffin basket.

A muff basket?

I actually have a buddy that we all refer to now as Taiwan Basket because of his enthusiastic account of having heard of the same thing as the OP, excepting of course that he called it a Taiwan Basket.

I think I first read the story in a Penthouse letter back in the 1970’s, I’ve heard them called “spin-f**k chairs”. I think Dennis Miller has made reference to them, but then again, what hasn’t he referenced?

…except on Thurday.

Then it’s your turn in the basket.