The unofficial "Bitch and Moan about other Pit threads" thread

From this thread :

Thusly, all RO-labelling, thread shitting, hijacking, lambasting, and whatever-ing may be done here.

I for one wish to bitch about the thread about Tomndebb. It’s lame, illogical, and not nearly creative enough for my liking. Also, I want some of his attention :wink:

I would like to bitch about people who bitch about other threads in the pit. I would start a new thread for this, but instead I’ll just shit on yours. K?

A meta-rant, eh? I suppose the next step will be to start a thread complaining about the threads complaining about the other threads.

I would have to complain about that unfortunately.

(btw, nice use of ‘meta’) ^^

There aren’t nearly enough rants about individual problems – too much about politics. I can’t turn around without choking on politics; can’t we have more decent pit threads about bad sales people, rude servers, and crappy drivers?

If you are flirting, I am married and I do not swing that way.

OTOH, if you come into GD lacking a command of facts and displaying poor logic, I am sure I can provide more attention than you might desire. (If you come into GD displaying rude behavior, I can guarantee that you will get far more of my attention than you could hope to desire.)

You love trolls more than me? Waaaaahhhh :frowning:

(I dont swing that way either :wink: )

I wish to bitch about people who need attention. It’s getting b-o-r-i-n-g.

I have made no statement comparing who I “love.”
You have made no statement distinguishing yourself from a troll.


:eek: I was just kidding around, geez. I sincerely thought this thread might catch on and lower the bitch-fests in other threads. Do you honestly think I am a troll? :frowning:

I just thought you were annoyingly prolific. No real harm in that, but I don’t get involved enough in GD to know who’s doing what.


You’re not from around here, are you? Nothing reduces the Teeming Millions’ need for (or, at least, taking immense pleasure in) bitching.

You need to pay more attention to posting styles.

Hmmm, you may be right.

Doh! :smack:

Anyway, if you think this thread is misguided, you can close it, or not. I leave it at your disgression (like I have a choice! :stuck_out_tongue: )

You can either leave it to their discretion or your digression. You do have a choice.

Oh the horrible horrible shame. My error explained

Unbelievable. There’s an explanation for everything.

Autolycus, you might try developing your vocabulary from a source of actual words rather than relying on a list of errors from which to choose your words.

Kick me while I’m down, why dont you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Typical cromulent behavior.

You make a good target, down there.

Man, I’m glad there’s a place for this. Some fuckwit started a thread specifically for the purpose of complaining about other threads. I mean what total jackass would be so upset by that kind of thing he’d navigate all the way to another thread… God, what a fuckwit, man I need to go rant about thi…oh…