The Walking Dead; 4.07 "Dead Weight" (open spoilers)

Second to last episode before winter hiatus.

Hmm, camp with a tank? That’s one way to tow a trailer I guess…

Cooper rating**; he’s nervously watching the screen at the survivalist cabin…

…and he just jumped off the bed when the zombies attacked…

** my dog

Aaaannddd the Crazy Guvna’ is back, Marinez is a Zombie Snack, wonder how “Brian” will spin this one…

“He slipped…and fell off the roof…and rolled into the ZombiePit, yeah, that’s the ticket…”

I predict we will see at least one walker rising from that “dead lake” in one of the next two episodes

I’m sure calling it a dead lake was a not so subtle bit of foreshadowing

I am NOT liking the Governor! I feel badly for the two sisters and the little girl who have gotten mixed up with him, but I guess they’ll find out sooner or later what kind of psycho he is.

Gotta love it, dude gets his ass kicked so he comes back with a tank.

Yawn…basically they delayed the Governor invades the Prison story by a half season. I had some hope they would do something interesting with the character after last week but nope.

Are you guys telling me there’s still no Daryl this week?

I agree. This writing team… sheesh.

How did not one, but two walkers get the jump on the scout team in the cabin? Lying in wait, and then they pounce?

How did the whole other camp a) exist nearby without being noticed by Martinez’ previously, and b) get wiped out without making noise for the scout party to hear?

Why did the governor get his “family” to run away, only to stop when he ran into the makes-absolutely-no-sense waist deep quicksand walker display?

And from the previews: So, he has a small band with a tank, and his plan to attack the prison is to … assemble in a small clump around the tank outside the prison fence? This guy is the worst tactician ever imaginable.

I agree with the negative comments. It would have been far more interesting for the Governor to have to live with his past while trying to re-establish himself as the ‘father’ of a little girl. It could have been very interesting if he had realized that his ‘family’ would only be safe inside the prison, and be forced to give them up because he’d never be allowed in. A redemption story arc could have gone on for some time and been very interesting.

Instead, we get a ‘shocking’ reversion to type, and a replay of the last season with the crazy governor wanting to attack a hardened target full of experienced fighters with a new group of untrained, unwilling warriors. We even get a repeat of the crazy governor’s need to keep zombie trophies in the form of Peter who was chained to a weight and who the governor can now visit whenever he wants. Sigh.

And this show is just frustrating as hell in terms of the behavior of everyone in the zombie apocalypse. WHY do they keep camping out in the open, or camping in densely forested areas where zombies can sneak up on them at any time? You’d think they could manage to find something a little more secure than that.

We know that zombies are attracted to noise. Here’s a helpful hint - before entering a dark building filled with rooms and tight corridors, how about standing in the doorway and shouting, “Hey! Zombies!”, just to see what you can flush out? They are, after all, stupid. But then we wouldn’t get those tedious ‘dramatic’ scenes of people skulking through dark spaces where zombies may lurk.

And whatever happened to not using a firearm because it attracts zombies? And not wasting ammunition? Sheesh. This show constantly forgets its own lore.

A really bad episode in so many ways, which completely craps on the character possibilities set up in the far superior previous episode. I don’t even know where to begin. I guess I’ll start by getting a bowl of ice cream and some vodka. Back later.

Can someone help me out with the symbolism behind the leaky roof? I mean, if it was raining out they could have given the two of them a reason to go up on the roof and whatshisface a reason to ‘fall’ off of it. But they made it blindingly clear that it wasn’t raining out…but there was still water dripping. So it was symbolic of something.

Also last week (and maybe someone said it) every time they had RV trouble I thought of Dale.

This week when they passed the two headless corpses I started wondering what would happened to the head, would it continue to live…yup.

Also, it’s daylight outside. Open the windows when you enter a room- that way you can not only see whether there are zombies standing around but you’ll save battery life in the flashlights.

And while I can buy a zombie rising up from the bottom of a lake like Vivian, some things really halt suspension of disbelief: What are the chances a Georgia hillbilly shack would have a big picture of Abraham Lincoln? ;):wink:

…This episode sucked–and not in a nitpicky way, but in real legitimate poorly made way.

Guv murders Martinez in broad daylight and not quietly at all, and no one notices? Suddenly this camp which really seemed to be no more than ten or so people, has a large population of mixed age groups?
A random camp is discovered in the woods and is wiped out completely silently?
The governor and family can’t escape the camp…because of zombies stuck waste deep in mud?
Random zombie wanders into populated camp during the day…just for a clothesline scare?
It reminded me of the Italian zombie movie Zombi 3 which featured a zombie on top of a flag pole with no explanation other than to drop on an unsuspecting character.

It bothered me that he managed to go tear assing out of there with the trailer, hit the zombie road block and then get back to a place where all those campers are practically touching each other without anybody hearing his car coming or going. After he hit the roadblock and they showed all the RV’s the next morning I honestly assumed he found a new group.

Also, regarding Martinez’ death. It really seemed like overkill (pardon the pun). He was shown to be tipsy, they could have just had him say “C’mon, lets go fix that leak and hit some golf balls like we used to back in Woodbury”. Gov could have pushed him when no one was looking and it would have just looked like he lost his footing on a slippery roof while he was swinging the club. Either that of he should have just kept his cool and pushed him into the pit a few hours later so the timing wasn’t so close.

And I’ll agree these last few episodes have been terrible. I get that Rick and Crew (the actors) need a week off, but now they’ve had two and I’m not terribly interested in what’s going on in Woodbury 2.0. Not just that, but it’s not like we’re getting a whole lot of back story or hearing what they’re planning. Just watching a new group fumble around.

I’m not at all interested in the new group, either. A large part of what keeps me watching the show is that I like some of the characters in the old group so much; this group just leaves me cold. Except the governor, who Martinez should have shot in the pit.

Michonne should have killed him in Woodbury last year…and he can stop showing us his eyehole every 10 minutes to remind us of that. And we have to learn all about Woodbury AND Woodbury 2.0, there better be a hell of a showdown at some point to make this all worthwhile. And as much as it pains me to say it, I hope Rick comes out on top, I really don’t like Brian/Phillip. The Guv should have just been a one season villain.

Interesting tidbit: the Gov’s IRL wife is Sigmund Freud’s Great Granddaughter. IOW David Morrisey is married to Esther Freud.

And she’s the daughter of Lucian Freud.

I think the point of that was the Guv realizing that he wasn’t going to be able to make it on his own (zombies are everywhere), leading to his takeover of the camp.