Nobody’s gotten back to the prison yet, Carol may or may not be gone for good, and Adam Savage & Breckin Meyer are guesting on Talking Dead.
Well somebody showed up sooner than I thought he would; I thought we’d have to wait another 2-3 episodes to see Phillip.
Saved Glenn, as if there was no doubt. And the Governor shows up in next week’s flash-forwards…
Did anyone else catch that engagement ring commercial that randomly had a zombie couple in the background?
Really enjoyed this episode. It had my heart racing in several parts.
Yeah, some very tense scenes tonight–I loved it.
They trimmed some more fat from the prison group. At least 6 or 7 former Woodbury folks bit it in this episode. I’m liking the little girl, Lizzie, though. I hope she sticks around and doesn’t turn out to be a psycho.
Herschel was great. I liked when Daryl told him he was a tough sumbitch and he quickly agreed.
I wonder how they’ll deal with the fence. It’s been obvious for a while that they need to reinforce the perimeter somehow. I also wonder if that large zombie herd Daryl’s group ran into a few episodes ago will be showing up again soon.
I though I hallucinated that. Thanks for confirming it was real.
I’m confused by the span of time between Rick luring away zombies with pigs and last night’s episode- how long had passed before they decided to put some sticks up against the fence to reinforce it? I know the Zombie Flu kinda kept them busy, but really. Don’t let so many of your key people go out on a medicine run next time!
I like episodes when our Motley Crew needs to deal with the end results of their terminal stupidity, and this one had it in spades…
Put caltrops just around the gate, yet leave the outer fence intact? Stupid
Not lock all sickbay cell doors, especially with advanced cases of Captain Trips? Stupid
Keeping the weapons cache outside and exposed to the elements? Stupid
“Reinforcing” the outer fence with brittle logs ? Stupid
Doc bringing a shotgun and ammo into his cell, just in case? Smart!
I’m willing to give them a lot of slack for ‘needs of the plot’, but storing the weapons cache outside in barrels was way over the top.
Granted that they should have reinforced the fence earlier, using the logs as quick fix strikes me as not-stupid. Not sure where they came from, though . . .
Is the Governor the answer to the question of why there is a huge herd outside the prison? He could have been luring them to the site.
Could be a tease. We only see him sitting by his camp fire.
But I did like this episode, although I would have preferred to see the Daryl/Rick confrontation of Carol instead of having to wait until next week. I’m sure it’s been there all along, but Rick’s bad southern accent is starting to grate on my nerves a bit.
They need to add some more main characters so they can remove the plot armor from the current ones. They are going to run out of throw away former woodbury residents soon at this rate.
They need to take a bold step and purge the idiots from the show, get rid of Rick, crazy girl (the one naming the walkers) drunkie pre-med guy, and unless Tyrese grows a spine and mans up and stops whining, Tyrese as well, they all need to be Zombie Chow
As long as we have Daryl, Michonne, Carl, Herschel, Glenn, and Maggie I’m satisfied, Beth and Judith don’t do anything anyway, so they can go away, but don’t need to be eaten by zombies, Beth hasn’t done anything aggressively stupid recently, and Judith is a drain on limited resources, and a potential walker attractant when she cries
Loved this episode. Very tense. I had even convinced myself briefly that maybe Glenn would be killed off.
Only downside was the appearance of The Governor who was very uninteresting by the end of last season.
Herschel not moving the shotgun out of the cell when the Doc is so close to dying? Stupid!
Herschel breaking doc’s arm in the cell and stabbing him in the eye? classic.
+1 - I knew he was ‘coming back’ - I kept looking for him in the crowd of zombies that busted thru, as that was the only re-appearance I would have found satisfying.
I was tired of the Governor, as well. I hope that they wrap up his storyline quickly and leave him very dead.
You leave crazy girl alone - I think she’s getting better. Her luring the upper level zombie along the walkway was quite brave and pretty smart (tripping was unfortunate).
Or… Have him so beaten down and destroyed by his experiences in the Wilds that he’s broken, and desperate, coming to them for help, to offer his services and join the Mötley Crew…
… But leave just enough vagueness/uncertainty as to his true motives, is he really there under a flag of peace, or is he there to destroy from within?
At the very least, it could cause some extra tension with Michonne, Glenn, Maggie and Daryl…