The World Is Not Your Trash Can

No, I don’t. Honestly, the only reason I treat the two things differently is because of the size of the item in question.

Spit has the advantage of evaporation. It might be nasty but it goes away. How long do butts linger?

I don’t know. probably a long time. I don’t know where the street sweeper takes them after picking them up, but it’s probably the same place my garbage gets taken anyway.


Then you bought a stupid car. My car is one year old and it has an ashtray. I use it for change, but it has an ashtray.
You have opposable thumbs, so you could pronbalbly fashion an ahstray if you’re so determined to smoke in your car. I quit a year ago, but my wife didn’t. she isn;t allowed to smoke in my car. I occassionally will smoke a cigar. But not in my car and I always dispose of the buts in a trash can. Its not that hard.

My problem isn’t really that you might throw butts on the ground. I hate it when people will will do something they know is wrong and try to justify it when a “Ok, I’m wrong, sorry” will do. If you don’t want to say that, fine…but then don’t expect people to not take exception to it. You admitted you throw cigs on the ground and said you aren’t sorry. Ok. People said you’re a dick for it. If you’re not lying about the cigs, you actually are kind of a dick. Its not like there is any wiggle room in that.
And just by the way…if your car has no ashtray, that still doesnt mean you can dump crap on the ground. Just sayin’. I mean if you don’t have a toilet in front of you it doesn’t mean take a dump in the park, does it?

Some sources claim as much as 15 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if it really took that long, since filters are primarily made from a plastic called cellulose acetate. The paper wrapping and any leftover tobacco degrade fairly quickly, of course, but the bulk of the butt is the filter material, which is clearly going to hang around for some time.

You did not kind of admit it, I apologize for that. I took it as an assumption. I was wrong to do so.

But i still disagree with the throwing butts on the ground and stuuff. Instead of having a silly internet argument I will ask you, to please, consider the environment and other people and stop doing that.

Its funny in a “not kaughing funny” kind of way…I’ve been in Europe for several years now, and it not my first time bein=g asigned here. almost everyone smokes. But almost no one throws butts on the ground or litters. Their cities and towns look far cleaner than ours…and its our fault. It does make a difference.

Ingest smoke into my lungs? Heck yes. I’ll pay money for that.

Put ashes in the ash tray of my automobile? Are you insane!? I don’t want to pollute the inside of my automobile! That’s just crazy!

Until other people pick them up.

My parents have new neighbors. The male half of the couple apparently likes to smoke on the porch - and throw the butts into my parents’ yard. My parents are hardly yard fascists, and do not make an effort to maintain a lawn as lawns are bad for the environment, but how rude is that? (The neighbors, though, are recent immigrants to the US, and from a part of the world I am very familiar with and this behavior wouldn’t be out of the ordinary there.)

I have to say I did not approve of my dad’s reaction, though, which was to pick up all the butts, put them in a plastic bag, and put it on the neighbor’s front porch with a note telling him to knock it off. Passive aggression is not the answer.

I’m not trying to justify myself to anyone, nor do I care if anyone takes exception to it and thinks I’m a dick because of it. It’s not the first time I’ve been called names on the internet and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

You should try spending some time in Slovakia and Serbia, you’ll find not all Euros have such enlightened views on the subject.

Interestingly, the two most recent places I’ve been where I made sure NOT to throw my butts on the ground were San Fran and Kenab, Utah. The Utah one was easier to understand in that I was working(volunteering) at the Best Friends animal sanctuary and, obviously, I didn’t want the animals picking up something that might make them sick.

San Francisco, though, was based entirely upon the fact that people care about things like that there. So I guess the lesson is, if your city is managed and maintained like Detroit, don’t be surprised if people throw garbage on the ground. If you have an atmosphere where taking care of your surroundings is deemed important, people will think twice.

Not only is it not the right thing to do, it’s fucking dangerous as well. It’s assholes with your attitude that lead to thousands of acres of land burning, numerous homes destroyed, and many lives ruined and lost.

If you won’t stop just because it’s illegal, or disgusting, how about stopping before your laziness costs someone their home, or worse, their life?

At least you can admit you’re an idiot. The biggest thing for me…about idiots…is that, usually, they’re too stupid to know they’re idiots.

So, then, you won’t mind myself and others trashing your lawn and giving you a hearty “fuck off, I’m a rebel, dude”?

I’m not aware of many roads or cities catching on fire in the manner you describe. It’s not like I toss lit cigarettes all over our national parks or fruited plains. Last time I checked, concrete wasn’t particularly flammable. There’s a good portion of this city that would probably be improved by fire.

Why would you trash my lawn? Do you own the streets and sidewalks? I already said I don’t do it on other people’s property.

Uh, somebody owns that property. Streets and sidewalks don’t exist in a vacuum.

The city does. They pay people to clean them. I accept that there are probably times that my cigarettes get missed by the street sweeper, and because of that, my habit is an undesirable one. You’re just not going to convince me that it makes that big of a difference though.

No, I assume they are an asshole.

thanks for your input! You sure showed those street spitters that haven’t even posted.