What is the worst song of all time? In all fairness, let’s exclude choices based on dislike of a style of music(“Country music sucks. All country.” or “Rap sucks. All rap.”), songs that are meant to be bad, like novelty songs, or based on overplay of a song on the radio. I’m talking about a combination of stupid/horrible lyrics, a bad tune, bad music, and/or bad singing.
My choice is Toby Kieth’s newest song “I Wanna Talk About Me”. It’s so bad! It’s a kind of rap-sounding country song. If that’s not bad enough, the guy whines on and on about how he wants to talk about himself. I’m not kidding. That’s what it’s about. It’s just indescribable how truly awful it is. It’s like they actually sat around one night and said “Let’s write the worst song we can come up with, and see if they play it.”
Now, your choice is?