There are never any hot chicks at Bob Evans (tm)

Really good looking girls, I mean. There’s plenty of warm chicken.

Why on earth would there be?

I only eat there on road trips, when I need someplace the kids will tolerate. The restaurant is geared toward families and the geriatric set.

Not exactly a hotbed of dating action. Plus, there isn’t alcohol on the menu, which reduces the number of hot girls considerably, and makes the average looking ones stay average looking.

So, I’m guessing you’re crossing Bob Evans off your list of pick up places? Well, except for the chicken that is. The chicken’s pretty good.

I dunno, I waitressed there in college and I thought we were all pretty hot.

Of course, the average age of the CUSTOMERS is somewhere around 75, so unless you’re looking to BE cradle-robbed, it might not be what you’re looking for.


Why do there have to be hot chicks? What are we–eye candy for your personal pleasure?

<pissed off feminist, reaches for shoes–throws them at OP>
Gee, maybe I’ll start bitching about the dearth of good looking guys at the dry cleaners.

I didn’t say I was surprised, neccesarily. I just really noticed for the first time. And felt the need to share.

The hot chicks in question seem to congregate more in Sushi bars. That I don’t get. It’s even more so if it is a Sushi bar/Japanese Steakhouse combination, in which case the hciq are about 23, there for a birthday or other celebration, drunk off their hciq asses and therefore pretty but unattractive.

7 years visiting this board. You’d think I’d find something more profound to share. But then, we really don’t have a “Profound and Moving Stuff I Must Share (PMSIMS)” board. You could argue GD is that board, and that is what they do there. (Argue. On profoundness. Never mind.)

Yo! Wake up!

There aren’t really hot chicks anywhere. Have you been on an errand run lately? Where ARE the beautiful people?
Not running errands, I can tell you that.

Every now and then one runs across a cute clerk or hot UPS guy, but the rest of us make do with ordinary attractiveness.

Maybe I need to get out more…sushi? Hmmm.

Dry cleaners are an excellent spot for good looking guys. Keep trying.
Beats picking up rice in a church where a wedding has been, anyway.

My sister waitressed at Bob Evans for a few weeks. She left because, as she says, “Old people don’t tip well.” That probably cuts down on the number of young people working there.

Secondly, young people like to work where young people are customers. Most of the crowd at Bob Evans is older, or family groups.

Bob Evans saved my life once. I won’t hear a word against the place.

There aren’t really hot chicks anywhere. Have you been on an errand run lately? Where ARE the beautiful people?


(Cough) There seem to be an awful lot of them in the airports.

Of course, that is probably not the place to start a long lasting relationship. Or even, for that matter, a short lasting one!

[You are SO fine. I think I’m in love!]
[[Ditto. I have 30 minutes before my next flight…]]
[I have 15, alas]
[[Cool. Let’s grab a bag of m&m’s from the vending machine!..and share them!]]
[[[Romantic music. Scene of a beautiful sunset. Fade to black]]]

Well, for me, eye candy is best that I’m getting from any woman right now.

Mmmmmmmm eye candy.

My niece, Rachael works at a Bob Evans. She’s kind of hot in a girl-next-door kind of way. (I think so, anyway…maybe I’m just a proud Aunt.)

I was back in Toledo a few months ago and we went to the Bob Evans where Rachael works…kind of as a farewell dinnter for me. This might be a slight hijack, but my issue with Bob Evans is they’ve got nothing healthy or vegetarian to eat. I ended up eating a greasy grilled cheese sandwich…probably made with process cheese and white bread and a salad made mostly of iceberg lettuce. Ick!

I wonder if there’s a correlation here? Maybe hot girls eat and work at places like Wild Oats Market.

Uhm…no, they don’t. Concerning the girls that eat and work there, words like “homely” and “earth-loving” come to mind.

The hot chicks work at places like:
Bath and Body Works
Hallmark Stores
Any consulting firm or other well-paid professional position (these professional women hang out at swanky chain-brand bars and go to dinner at places like P.F. Changs)
Intern at a medical college

That should be a start.

:rolleyes: Meh. They’re chain-brand women looking for a name-brand man.

Is there a country song in there someplace?

Only at the Cracker Barrel.

I’m so amused at this thread.

Scumpup, how did Bob Evans save your life (if you are being serious). If you’re being funny then … ha!

I consider myself hot :rolleyes: … but being a 42-year-old mother of three, hardly a chick. And I eat at Bob Evans every so often. Gail, if you are looking for health and vegetarian, it can be done. Last time I was there I had the fruit bowl with yogurt and, although this isn’t terribly healthy, fried mush. (Hey! Be quiet. It’s good.) You can also ask them to make you a Western Omlet without the ham.

All the waitresses I’ve seen are Flo types who look like they’ve been waiting tables since approximately 1967.

OK everybody sing along now …

*I’m just a name-brand hot chick
In my low-slung Gap jeans
Just a Bath-n-Body peddler
Lookin’ so lean

Where’s my name-brand man
In his Abercrombie and Fitch?
With his latte from Starbucks.
Why, I’d be his bitch!

I need me a man!
Like Isosleepy, that slacker
Has he jeans of Hilfiger?
At the Barrel of Cracker?*

Oh be quiet. It’s the best I could do on the fly!

Ellen Cherry, you ROCK!

I visited a new coffee shop this morning. I was actually kind of impressed at how hot all of the girls behind the counter were (it takes a lot of work to be cute that early). Then, I realized there was probably some asshole chauvinistic owner behind the hiring decisions. He’s creating his own menagerie of cute, overly-enthusiastic at 7 a.m., chikies…

I think this does have a lot to do with the relative hot-nicity of the females working anywhere.

I’d debunk the OP by pointing out the luscious little latina that was hostess at the Bob Evans by me for a couple years.

Yeah. Ate a LOT of breakfast in those days…

Uh, the good-looking guys send their wives to do it.
ducks and runs