There are two kinds of people

You know, when you need to classify people regardless of any other considerations. The first I remember which is almost irrelevant today was: Elvis or the Beatles?

I’m sure this one will last for awhile: Harley or Honda?

One I’m involved in: romaine or iceberg?

Those who understand binary and those who count on their toes.

Romaine of course. Iceberg ruins the salad when it starts to melt.

Coke or Pepsi

In HS, a teacher (biology, I think it was) told us “there are two kinds of people: lumpers and splitters” (whether they create a few broad categorizations or a large array of fine ones). At the time, I think most of us did not pick up on the joke.

There are two types of people–those who complete their sentences

Tastes great or less filling?

There are 10 kinds of people:

Those who don’t understand binary.
And those who do understand binary.

There are 10 kinds of people:

Those who don’t understand binary.
Those who do understand binary.

And those who understand ternary.

Ice ice iceberg baby!

Funny. Some friends and I were just having this conversation this morning on our walk.

People who get up on Thanksgiving morning and start to cook.

People who get up on Thanksgiving morning and head out to run a 5k race.

Best to know which sort you’re marrying before you commit.

I think it’s more “Beatles or Stones?”

ETA: in the same vein, “Star Wars or Star Trek?” In the same vein because many people will answer to both questions: “Both”. I myself am undecided on the Wars/Trek question, but although I love both the Beatles and the Stones, in the end the Stones get my vote.

Ginger or Mary Ann?

There are three kinds of people:
Those who are good at math and those who aren’t.

Guessers and askers.

Those who return a grocery store shopping cart to the cart corral.

Those who don’t.

Dog people or Cat people

The other ones I have are too crude to post.

Betty or Veronica?

Kirk or Picard?

There is only one right answer.


Batman or James Bond?

(Trick question — Batman’s not real.)


I saw a T-shirt once:

There are two types of people
…those who can extrapolate

I had a friend who was a counselor, and during the “We’re going to quantify your personality” rage, got sick of the scales that they’d have to use to categorize their patients.

So instead of a “Consistent <-----> Inventive” continuum, they’d counterfeit worksheets with scales like “Hall <----> Oates” or “Spork <-----> hands”

I have that T-shirt. It actually says this:

There are two kinds of people:
Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data,