There's a Friday the 13th in the MMP!!!

Or at least there will be at the end of the week. So let’s talk superstitions - yours or someone else’s.

Happy Moanday!

First! It’s good to be juvenile! :smiley:

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 77 Amurrkin, cloudy and muggy out with a predicted high of 90 and mostly N.O.S. with a possible stray shower. There’s stuff to the west of us so may be even. Today is the day I usually spiff da cave but tomorrow is supposed to be rainy all day. I need to do a bunch of errands so I think I shall do that today instead. It’s good to mix things up after all.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then I suppose I should purtify so as to go about the public.

Happy Moanday Y’all! Happy Thanksgiving Canadian Mumpers!

Thank you** swampy.**
I’m up earlier than usual. Couldn’t get back to sleep.

I say being superstitious is unlucky.

Midget, you cracked me up! :smiley:

I’m not superstitious - I know the universe is against me…

It’s my birthday. I tried to be more self-indulgent today, what I consider my special treat these days. Didn’t amount to much, my life still sucks otherwise.

Superstitions? Yeah, I guess I’ve got one about Friday the 13th. Two incredibly lucky things have befallen me on Friday the 13th. On Friday, May 13, 1977, I met the future kaylasmom for the first time. Eighteen years and change later, on Friday, October 13, 1995, we learned that we would become parents the following spring.

Happy positive pregnancy test day, Kayla! :smiley:

batboy, I’ll let swampy do the singing, but congratulations on another completed trip around the sun.

FCM, I don’t have much in the way of superstitions (I’ll walk under a ladder anytime I feel like it), but I do have ‘idiosyncrasies’, like tapping my wallet on the table/desk/counter twice (and only twice) before I put my change in it. Don’t know if that counts or not.

Like swampy, we dry out today only to get rained on tomorrow. Might even do some house cleaning…or not.

At least with the cooler weather I seem to be sleeping until at least 7am or later.

Big fire in Napa, I hear. I was over on the coast for the weekend, and just drove back into the Bay Area about half an hour ago. Get out of my vehicle and… wow, something’s burning! And I’m not that close to Napa, either. People are being advised to stay indoors today. Fire season in CA can be pretty awful, and with the heavy rains we had last year, this season is likely to be one of the worst.

Happy birthday BatBoy!

To answer the OP, like metal mouse, not so much superstition, but idiosyncrasies. The primary one is that I utter the phrase Poor schmuck when I pass a broken down vehicle on the road.

I’m up and caffeinating. There’s a load of clothes in the washer and when they come out, a load of towels will go in. After that, there’s grocery shopping, putting away stuff from the trip and vaccuuming. It’s raining today, so lawn and patio cleanup won’t happen until Saturday.

blurf. Happy Birthday Batboy.

Holiday today so another day to clean my house some more. Place is/ was a mess. Four ppl were living here without power or water for two weeks. Sort of pissed I have to clean after them.

Happy birthday **Batboy **!

There is no school today and to celebrate I am getting a cold. I’ve also done some laundry. I was going to work on some fun stuff, but I feel like eating lunch and taking a nap instead.

Happy BatBoy Day!!!

No auditors in our area so far today - yay! But I’ve been busy and the morning moved by pretty fast. Let’s see how the last 3 anna half hours go.

I’m really dragging today - it was a weekend of not much sleep and I woke at least an hour before my alarm this morning. I may sleep with Mel tonight. We shall see…

Today I become a seasoned citizen. Olde Farte is a decade away. The good part is my cell phone bill is about to take a dive, thanks T-Mobile!

Happy birthday batboy! Have yerself a Rice Krispie treat to celebrate.

I have no superstitions. I own a black cat and a red headed mare. Some may say I’m doomed, but I believe I am lucky. Sis and BIL are gong back to Gulf Shores Alabammy today. Apparently everything is fine and they are bored at the Leonard Hampton Inn.

Happy Birthday Batboy!

I am beat like a drum today.

My family like Friday the 13th. My mom was born on one. :slight_smile:

Happy Monday all.

Happy Batboyday!

I celebrate Prehistoric Creatures Day when I remember, as a Firday the 13th tradition, but I’m a bit low on them at the moment. I’m sure I used to have more dinosaurs…

My exciting thing for the day is: I has oven. It’s a slightly updated version of the old one, and all shiny new. It’s currently heating up empty, as advised to do before cooking anything in it. Not sure what dinner shall be yet, it’s a tough call.

Yay for oven Nut. I have cleaned the microwave. Took the better part of an hour. Fold, hung and washed multiple loads of laundry. While I was away hubby did laundry. He washed and dried it and dumped it into one huge pile for me to sort. Was going through the mail and found a check for $120 he would have thrown out. Gave old luckylouie a bath. Cleaned one bathroom and am working on the kitchen. Fridge needs it and the sliders look like they have been through a hurricane. Then we come to the floors. Filthy. I need owner of roomba to show me how to empty it so I can have it finish the vacuuming. So much to do, so little time.

I passed the five month mark on quitting smoking last Firday. So proud as with all the stress it’s been tough.

Monday, Monday! Kinda bored today. Mr. Wrekker is at the deer camp for a few days. I should clean ( not )!! I went all the way to town, ( that’s 37mi. folks!) Wanted to try the new chicken tenders at McDonalds, they were already sold out, today. I also went to pay taxes on our land, so it wasn’t a lost cause. That is always a big deal in October, glad it is done. Got a few necessary items and drove back to the boonies. Nice little drive. Dog jr. ( Little Yorkie) is acting strange. I will watch her. Dog sr. ( beagle) is sleeping as usual. Cats hiding at the moment! Ok, y’all back to my boring Monday! Happy indigenous peoples day!

Butters, conga-rats on the non-smoking. Irma would have sent me scuttling out for a pack or two. Or three.

Where are you geographically Becky? Do you have a proper nickname? And where is swampy?? He’s got some singing to do.

wetOne. It crossed my mind many times. Will I ever get this monkey off my back?