's Purity Test

86% Pure!

How others compare:
0% (same as you)
4% (more pure than you)
96% (less pure than you)

“The secret of life is, there ain’t no secret, and you don’t get your money back.”

32% Pure!

How others compare:
0% (same as you)
6% (less pure than you)
94% (more pure than you)

Good to know I’m going to make it to 66 in spite of this…

Yer pal,

Not bad. Purer than most, but with a hint of nastiness. I’ll take it.

For the love of Christ, Satan himself is more pure than me. I guess that lends new meaning to the “Heaven doesn’t want me, and Hell’s afraid I’ll take over” joke.

Especially with a name like “Omniscient”…

“ChrisCTP-…the sweetheart of the SDMB…” --Diane
Chris’ Homepage: Domestic Bliss

The results are in, Big Shooter. You are:

48% Pure!

How others compare:
1% (same as you)
25% (less pure than you)
74% (more pure than you)

Sheesh! I didn’t think I was that bad!

"The results are in, Big Shooter. You are:

42% Pure!
There have been 3,901,767 tests submitted.

How others compare:
1% (same as you)
15% (less pure than you)
84% (more pure than you)"

So, I’m in the top 16% bracket ! Woohoo ! Ah well, it’s not that much of an achivement anyway. I live in Amsterdam :wink:


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

The results are in, Big Shooter. You are: 43% Pure! There have been 3,901,949 tests submitted.

Hmmm. Still a few things left on my to do list …

The results are in, Big Shooter. You are:

74% Pure!

There have been 3,902,546 tests submitted.

I guess I really am boring.

What more could you expect from somebody who lets people kick him to the head?

Although I think I should get “bonus” points for being in multiple fist fights.

What more could you expect from somebody who lets people kick him to the head?

56% Pure!

How others compare:
2% (same as you)
43% (less pure than you)
55% (more pure than you)

Just your average white boy!

34% Pure!
There have been 3,902,628 tests submitted.
To put a personalized, interactive award on your web page, click here.

How others compare:
0% (same as you)
7% (less pure than you)
93% (more pure than you)

I took a 500 question one and came out at a 29%. WOOHOO! This one doesn’t ask the right questions. :slight_smile:


Move over Satan. :wink: Now there’s something meatier.

41% Pure!

How others compare:
1% (same as you)
13% (less pure than you)
86% (more pure than you)

Wow, some of you people must have done something really terrible (fun). I thought I would score much lower on this test.

Here’s a link to the purity test on OpalCat’s Teeming Millions site. This test is a bit longer, 500 questions. I haven’t taken it but it might give you a better sample.

“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” - Humphrey Bogart

Step aside mortals -

25% Pure!

How others compare:
0% (same as you)
3% (less pure than you)
97% (more pure than you)

If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.

31%, oh my, is that bad? My favorite color is pink if that helps.
Beat you again Drain Bead! And I still don’t know what sex like burning is!
So as my friend Los would say…
“We are equally good”

The results are in, Big Shooter. You are:

31% Pure!
Ahem…I think I will go repent now.

Kelli, maybe we should repent together! I’ve never met someone with the same score. Hhhhmmmm…we could do the world a lot of ‘good’ as a team! ~ :wink:

The results are in, Big Shooter. You are:
23% Pure!
How others compare:

0% (same as you)
3% (less pure than you)
97% (more pure than you)

Should I be scared??

You’re on Doll…but I gotta tell ya…I had forgotten how much bad stuff I had done.

But I was honest! The question about having sex with someone watching…well, I did, but when we looked up and saw Frankie standing there, we stopped (after I screamed).

When I think about the stuff I didnt do…well, I gotta wonder what the hell missy and diane did to score so low…

Wanna tell us?

Dare ya… :wink:

The results are in, Big Shooter. You are:

69% Pure!

How others compare:

2% (same as you)
23% (more pure than you)
75% (less pure than you)

Good LORD…I need to get out more. Okay, line up, gents…who wants to corrupt me? :wink:

“You have to laugh at yourself, because you’d cry your eyes out if you didn’t.”
-Emily Saliers