They want me! They really want me!

I got a job in NY!!! I’ll be working for HIP, an HMO health provider, as a Jr. Admin Secretary. Granted, it’s not a glorious job, but it’s a foot in the door. That’s the important thing! They were extremely impressed with my skills and my interviews, and they hired me as of yesterday afternoon. I start the 21st, so I’m still trying to get all my stuff packed and together. It’s started, but there is FAR too much more to go! I have to have everything packed by Monday night/Tuesday morning, when I plan on taking the u-Haul and getting it ready to go. I’m taking a slow drive up to NY, probably taking I-95 up. I want to by in NY by Thursday, but the time in between… I’d like to make frequent stops if there is anyone that might like to see me along the way. I don’t have my complete plan fleshed out yet… I’ll post more when I do… but I’m really looking forward to this. I’ll be driving it alone, so I need as much change as possible. I’ve never driven a u-Haul before, so the prospect is just a little nervy for me. But I know I can do it! Just like I know I can do this job and this move and everything else.

Yes, I’m very excited, can’t you tell??!!! :smiley:

You know I wanna see you if you can stop here, hon. Glad everything worked out! :slight_smile:

Congrats!!! :slight_smile:

Oh and if you feel like going to NY via Australia you can feel free to drop in, but something tells me this is unlikely. :slight_smile:

Congrulacciones. :slight_smile:

Woo-hoo! Way to go, TP.

Is your new job in NYC or just in the state of NY? Either way, that’s real cool.

Thanks, guys, for the well wishes!

Falcon, let’s see what we can work out, ok?

cumber, if there were a way to do it, I’d find it. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it work. Maybe on my next move, though… :wink:

Tommy the Cat, the job is in NYC, and I’m planning on living out on LI, taking the LIRR in daily. I’ve never done anything like this before, so it’s all VERY exciting for me!!! Now if everything falls together even further…

Congratulations! Best of luck in the big ol’ city.

Yer pal,


:smiley: Supahcongrats, TP!!

Wow! That’s so great! Happy move TP, I guess you’re not going to cry when you say farewell to your stepmom, eh? And if you have the time, you could always swing by Sweden on the way, it’s not a huge detour or anything. :wink:

Cool! Congrats from Montana too, TP! Haven’t heard from you in a while; guess you’ve been busy, huh? :wink:

Oh, and you could stop by up here too; if you’re going to go to Sweden, you could certainly stop by here…:smiley:

Well, once again, when things seem to be going well, life turns around and bites me in the butt.

I had a friend of mine out on LI that was going to let me stay in her vacant apartment if I got the job. It seemed like that last piece of the puzzle. So I called her this morning to tell her I got the job and lo-and-behold, she rented the apartment out. :frowning:

So, now I’ve got a decent job in the place that I want to live at, but nowhere to live. I’ve got some people looking at apartments for me up that way, but I don’t know if they’ll find anything, and what do I do in the meantime? I thought about a hotel, but I don’t know if I’ll have the money for that. I’m really lost right now.

Someone put me out of my misery, please?

TP - check your email.

Hey, congratulations!! New job, new digs… what a change in your life!

Is this the U-haul truck? Keep in mind it ain’t a sports car - you won’t change lanes in a heartbeat or stop the thing on a dime. Plan every move & lane change ahead, and watch the road 1/4 or 1/2 mile ahead of you if you can. Oh, and the last time I drove one, it had a speed governor on it to keep it from going over 65 MPH. When I got going too fast, it actually pushed the gas pedal back up to slow the truck down.

AND FIND OUT HOW TALL THE TRUCK IS, AND WATCH THE CLEARANCE SIGNS ON OVERPASSES, GAS STATIONS, AND TOLL BOOTHS. If you hit one of them, you’re probably not insured for the damage. Hello, headache, goodbye, savings, y’unnerstand?

Congrats True Pisces!!!

Now when are you and Falcon comng to Chicago so we can go out drinking?
Told you I’d cast a spell for you :slight_smile:

Of course the spell I cast for myself has worked too, maybe not quite the way I planned but…let’s just say it worked :slight_smile:

TruePisces, congratulations about the new job! I’m sure the living arrangements will fall into place soon enough.

Picking up and moving across the country isn’t an easy thing to do, and you are to be congratulated for your initiative!


TruePisces, Congratulations!

I’ve been thinking of you getting settled in NY ever since we chatted about it at the Sarasota Bennigan’s. I’m so happy for you! And Lord knows, if you’re worn out from traveling those first 65 miles on Interstate 75, you’re more than welcome to stop in Tampa for another chat.


Congratulations, TP, and thanks for helping to increase the already overwhelming New York to Florida doper ratio.

Glad to hear you found a job, sorry to hear about the place falling through.

I don’t think you’re going to shed a tear about leaving your stepmom, but you know i’ll shed one (ok, a few) when you leave. I know this is the best thing for you, though.


Thanks to very kind Dopers (who can name themselves if they’d like to be named… suffice it to say, I’m grateful for the kindness, and don’t want to step on any toes with it!), I now have a place to stay while I look for a place to live!!! Yeah! So, I’m leaving on Tuesday to drive to NY!!!

RalfCoder - Thanks for the advice! At least it’s only a 10’ truck rather than something bigger. And at least I don’t have to bring my vehicle with me. Another positive! I’ll keep an eye out for anything that I might be too big for, that’s for sure!!!

hardygrrl - Let me get settled here first! Then we’ll see what we can do about Falcon and I road tripping to you! :smiley:

DRY - Thanks for the congrats and the well-wishes. It is a big move… but I think it’s more than worth it, for a variety of reasons.

katiekilldare - :smiley: If I get tired after that first 90 minutes, I’ll be sure to stop!!! Thanks again for everything! When I get back down this way for visits, we’ll have to get together again.

Little Nemo - Hey, I’m just coming back home. 12 years ago I moved from NY down to Florida. (Ok, ok… it was upstate rather than City, but STILL :wink: )

HotB - I know how many tears you’ll shed, and I wish I could stop them from being there. I’ll miss you, but thank you for standing behind me. In less than a year, I’ll be back, even if it’s for a short time. {{{HotB}}}