A cherry red '69 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Convertible for starters . . . .
DaLovin’ Dj
A cherry red '69 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Convertible for starters . . . .
DaLovin’ Dj
Things that are cool?
Me, of course!
(sorry - no cite.)
1967 Pontiac GTO, with chrome rims and side pipes, jacked up rear end and chrome hood pins.
(No cite needed.)
Chicks in hip hugger, flared legged jeans and platform shoes.
A good cup of Barney’s coffee.
A teen who speaks in something else besides ghetto English.
A great hot dog, served from a vat of other boiling dogs.
My 9th grade English teacher, Mr. Harvey.
(I’m 50 and still remember him.)
Scooby Do
The cops in Ft. Pierce Florida who ticket people with booming car stereos!!! Hurray!!!
Someone without a shaven head.
Burt Reynolds.
My clear, red glass coffee cups.
Jell pens.
The Cops in Fort Pierce, Florida who ticket people with booming car stereos!! Hurray!!!
Drumstick icecream cones
Smoking. You know it is.
[sub]And I don’t smoke[/sub]
Cheap sunglasses
Leather Jackets
Girls who pee standing up
A friend of mine is cooler than the King Cool of Cool Land on Let’s Be Cooler Than We’ve Ever Been Before Day.
He drives a convertible BMW - just one push of a button, and the roof folds itself away at the back silently. In his home he has a genuine 1954 Rock-ola jukebox, containing some original 45s from that year. He bought it for x about 7 years ago, had it shipped over here to the UK, and now it’s worth about 5x.
Plus he dresses in some very neat threads, runs his own software team, is good enough at snooker to play a game with Jimmy White and not get thrashed, and he’s also a very nice guy with a lovely wife.
Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly (and I hate dancing movies, but these guys just ooze coolness)
the SDMB (woo I’m the first!)
the next college I’m going to, hopefully
pet rats
Eddie Izzard
Another English teacher, Ms Mueller from 11th grade. Solid cool.
TVLand (well, golly Wally, it’s the only place that shows “Leave It To Beaver” reruns)
Snuggling up next to a hot, hairy, handsome man (rates way up there in coolness with me)
The Rat Pack
lower-case user names, of course.
Spongebob Squarepants, unfortunately.
The following are shibby:
Québécois French.
Young men in tight jeans and halter tops with piercings.
Chinese fans.
STEN bookcases from Ikea.
My lava lamp.
The metro.
Having your own washer and dryer.
Instant rice.
Unbelievably hot math professors from Massachusetts.
Badges with slogans.
Quebec passing civil unions & adoptions.
Boy Meets Boy.
Good translations.
Gay people.
The necklace I bought at that South Asian store.
Public transit.
The word “nun.” Nun nun nun nun nun.
Drag queens.
Cats again.
A living wage and a decent apartment.
Life, at this point.
Deely bobbers.
By the way did you know that the word “unnun” means to be expelled from a nunnery? Go play.
[minor hijack]Ross - good to see you - look! [/mh]
Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke.
Neal Cassady
digital cameras
Uncut magazine
Just got back froma drive in my 66 GTO.
Even though I am an overweight guy in my mid 40’s, I attracted a lot of young ladies at the park. Pissed off a couple guys in Japanese cars with big wings on the back. They wanted to race, saying something about kicking my ass like in some movie. Told them when you own a classic, you don’t need to race to prove yourself. That pissed them off even more. Tuned my stock AM radio to the Seattle Mariners game and cruised out of the parking lot at 5 mph. Lots of waves and thumbs up. That was cool.