Things that go bump in the MMP

I was in bed, all comfy and warm. FCD was settling in, too. As I lay there, something didn’t sound right. It was water running, and the pump on the basement tank was going also.

For those unfamiliar with wells, the water is pumped from the ground to a pressurized tank to supply the house. When the tank gets low, its pump comes on and it refills. Ours happens to be almost directly under my side of the bed, so I can hear it when it’s running. And last night it was running.

My first thought was that the outside faucet was on, but I didn’t use either hose yesterday. I had, however, just flushed, and it turns out, the flapper didn’t seat, so the water kept running. A little handle jiggle, and soon, silence reigned.

But those sorts of noises are always louder in the dark, aren’t they? And louder still if you’re home alone. Surely you’ve had a freak out over something that turned out to be nothing - do share.

And Happy Moanday!

First! 'Tis good to be juvenile.

… other than that, I got nuttin’ so far.

Good Mornin’ Y’aNll! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 58 Amurrkin out and mostly clear, with a predicted high of 88 and N.O.S. for the day. Second Summer is on it’s way. I shall make a trip to Sam’s this mornin’ for some cleanin’ stuff needed at the church, plus some stuff needed for da cave. Other than that, who knows what the day will hold besides the usual sloth. Sup shall be breakfast, specifically pancakes, snausages, and scrambled aigs due to a gnawin’ and a cravin’.

shoe from last week’s MMP. I find the idea of turkey breasts racin’ to be both fascinatin’ and disturbin’. Thus, it is a thing I would like to see!

MOOOOOOM the ice maker in the kitchen fridge is really loud in the wee hours of the night and when I am by myself in da cave. Those are the only times I even notice when it dumps ice.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, bother of bothers, I suppose I shall purtify and don appropriate bein’ about the public attire. Life is just so hard sometimes!

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Morning all. A dry week with highs in the 80’sF is predicted, so lots of soccer to be practiced and probably water the lawn around Thursday/Friday.

FCM, I have a squirrel that uses my roof as a shortcut, at least I hear something that sounds like it is crossing my roof in the morning, but whenever I go out there, they are not to be seen. Have had it checked to make sure they are not getting into the house, they just like running across my roof and irritating me…

Nothing much else to report, I’ll do my usual Moanday shopping-n-sammich run a little later this morning and perhaps finally run the sweeper about. Everybody have a good week now.

I also have squirrels that use my roof as a highway. Also, walnuts plopping onto the roof will make quite the “thwap.” Although, my neighbor, with his metal roof, has more to complain about from the walnuts.

Can’t log into my irk computer. I can connect to the server with VPN, but not to my PC with Microsoft Remote Desktop. I’ve emailed a cow-orker to check to see if it’s turned on. She won’t be in until 0700 or so though.

I am up doing my son chivvying. It’s always a nice feeling when he gets on the bus in the morning. It’s a victory of a sorts each time. :smiley:

Today I have an infusion of a new medication, and then we’re planning a family dinner.

Thursday afternoon we’re driving down to Santa Barbara and then we’ll take the next few days to drive back up the coast. We get back home Sunday night.

Happy Moanday everyone.

Good morning, all. I rested last week, so it’s back on the bike this week. The sun is definitely coming up too late for early morning rides, so back to lunchtime until April.

I mentioned menu ideas to Mrs Magill for the latter half of this week. When I suggested meatball subs (one of Fang’s favorites) for Saturday night, she said, “You’re going to want more bread flour, then.” I guess that means the sandwich rolls were a hit.

The younger two are looking forward to their brother coming home for Fall break. Spike is eagerly awaiting his reaction to the “Trombone Suicides” he will be performing during the Band Concert football game Friday night. Seriously, look up “trombone suicide” on Youtube.

Have a good week everyone.

So, juvenile bump in the night story - my husband occasionally has…gastrointestinal issues in the middle of the night. The flatulence will wake him in the middle of the night, not enough to get him out of bed, but enough for him to try to hide. Under my pillow. So first the sound startles me awake, then I brace for impact as he launches himself over to my side of the bed and stuffs his entire noggin under the pillow on which my own is resting. This happens only about ever year or so, but it’s definitely memorable and kind of hilarious after the initial fear wears off.

'Tis shaping up to be a boiling hot day. I had a telehealth neurology appointment, which was fast - about the first two minutes were spent scrambling to find a device with a functional microphone. My laptop is old as the hills and is quickly becoming inconsistent when I need to video chat. I’ll probably have to bite the bullet and find a new one soon. I do appreciate telehealth - I wouldn’t want a dermatology appointment via telehealth but since my checkup consists of something that looks like a combination cognitive exam/DUI test from CSI, it makes sense not to drive all the way downtown to do it.

Anyway, I think I’ll get in a walk/run/waddle before my first meeting starts today. Amazing how one can gain three pounds overnight from eating super salty foods - time to sweat it out while I can and before the shower becomes unavailable. The husband unit is fixing the water valves in the kids’ bathroom, which means turning off the main water line in a couple of hours.

Good Monday Morning, y’all.

After a foggy weekend it looks like we’re in for a pretty nice week - temps in the 80s, leading into a slow cooling trend as we finally head into Fall. All my progress reports are completed and submitted. The department chair wants to have a meeting this morning, but I am seriously considering ditching it and just chilling in my room until classes start. Such sloth!

The cats are loving the cooler weather, since it means I will eventually put the fuzzy blankets back on the bed. Even in the hottest weather they prefer something cuddly to sleep on.

Fly low, stay cool and stay safe Mumpers!

It’s a cloudy day just across the water from Vancouver, BC, and the squirrels are starting to check out the planters and pots on the balcony. They clamber up 3 stories just to kick dirt all over the place. Never set down a nut or seed, just make a mess and scurry off. Should sweep before the rain turns it to mud, but, it’s not that kind of a day for adventure.

Have taken Imodium for the first time in my life. Works great. It is, according to Wikipedia, a mild opioid, which gives a whole new, and incredibly boring, meaning to “chasing the dragon.”

Normally it’s pretty quiet here at night. Although sometimes I hear this weird electronic hum in my bedroom. Maybe the tinfoil hat brigade is on to something. :thinking:
Although last night somebody heaved a fridge into the dumpster(one of those big double door ones), which is impressive since they had to get it up 5 feet vertically to get it in. I also found a used condom by where I park. Somebody was bumping uglies last night.

It’s been a productive morning. I’ve emptied and started refilling the dishwasher. I sucked up a couple of cats’ worth of hair with the Shark, I paid yet another copay for FCD’s surgicals. I ran to Ace Hardware and Food Lion. Then I replaced the torn screen on the patio door. Who knew it was so easy?!?! I should have done it months ago!

FCD is snoozing - poor guy was up most of the night - and shortly, I’ll forage for some sort of lunch. Then, who knows?? It’s really nice outside, so maybe I’ll futz in the yard.

We got our covid booster yesterday, and my arm is sore this morning. Also feeling like I’m overly tired, but that could be the rain that’s moved in overnight.

That’s how I felt for both my first and second Moderna shots.

I can’t get my booster till after Oct 20. But I’ll get my flu shot soon - maybe later this week? I just go to CVS for it.

Happy Moonday!

Nice morning at the park. More dogs than I expected were there and a lot of good romps for the ones who need it.
Echo behaved herself with Athena, which was kind of surprising after she showed her ass with Milo yesterday. I don’t know why she hates Milo so much.
She gave me a hard time about leaving the park this morning. First time she has done that in a long time.

I don’t get much going bump in the night around here. Adam is usually outside, so I don’t hear his fat ass thudding around the house. How a 12-pound cat makes more noise jumping off the bed than a
43-pound and 48-pound dog do is a mystery.
I have a motion sensitive light at the top of the stairs and sometimes it startles me in the middle of the night. If my son is home, I figure it is him. The nights he’s not home is a little worrisome. You would think the dogs would bark if somebody was in the house, but you never know. Years ago, when somebody was trying to come in my bedroom window in the middle of the night, I heard them before the dogs did.
I’m more likely to be disturbed by the asshole who is constantly setting off his/her car alarm. The one down the street, not to be confused with the one up the street, who thought it funny to keep setting off the alarm.

I don’t know what I’m doing today. I have a lot of stuff to do, but lack motivation.

Aw, crap - I knew there was something else we wanted to do this weekend. We’ll have to try sometime this week.

I’m in. My cow-orker’s computer was off too. Must’ve had a power outage.

Overly tired with sore limbs? That’s how I’ve felt since about 2008…

I could… sort of… get in on the irk computer. It was odd, I could get in on the main programme, and access email and stuff on my irk phone (which is also on the same WiFi, as it’s getting no phone signal). I sort of mumbled through… Can I argue that I’m being helpful by only being at about 50% normal effectiveness, as I’m weaning everyone else off me being there?

I plan to go into the office on Thursday, which is typically the busiest day- I may as well, I’ll need to go in to hand the kit back anyway.

The undergrads arrived last night; I’m in the quiet corner of the campus on the other side of a main road from the main site, so I could only just hear the welcome party thumping beat with occasional yells. It’s definitely a bit busier around here though, especially over the road! I still barely slept a wink though. I’m fighting the desire to nap, as I know it’ll just mess up tonight’s sleep as well.