Things that you LIKE that everyone else seems to hate

Now I’m curious about things that you LIKE that everyone else seems to hate.

For example:

  • Max Bickford

  • Low scoring baseball games

  • sparkling water

Time to weigh in!

“I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys

Wearing a bra at home when it’s just me

The Real World


Anchovies on Pizza (a MUST!)
Working on Italian cars.
The smell of two-stroke exhaust (two-strokes RULE!)
Liver and onions.

Thats a few…

I scream, you scream, we all torture small animals for Ice Cream!

oh geez! I forgot this big one: I like airline food! Maybe it the excitement of travel or the thought that it could be my last meal or whatever, but I gobble it up.

Mowing my lawn
Rainy days (not too many in a row, of course)
Undercooked toast-when the bread is still soft, just hot. Yum

I’m sure I’ll think of some more.

  • Adam Sandler. He really does crack me up.

  • Stifling heat and humidity, like 95 degrees and up.

  • Moray eels. Very cute!

  • And sort of along the lines of what gatopescado said… hospital food. It can be pretty tasty, especially the little Dixie cups of icecream.

  • Rain! Rainy days, rainy nights, big booming crashing thunderstorms.
  • Snow (of course, I don’t have to shovel it or drive in it).
  • Early mornings. As my father used to say, I live to get up before the rest of the “farting fools.”
  • People who dress/look weird or unusual. Brightens the scenery.
  • Marilyn Manson
  • Eminem
  • Limburger cheese
  • Cabbage

And so many people on the “things you hate thread” said they hate seafood: I LOVE it!

Anchovies. Can’t eat a pizza without ‘em.

Data analysis in Excel. I think Excel is fun

Black licorice. Yum! And I can’t stand red licorice.

Attending Catholic Mass. Call me weird…

Driving. Why does it seem that everyone hates to drive? “You drive 40 miles one way to work?! How do you stand that?” I don’t mind it; I like to drive!

**Guns. ** Well it seems as if everyone hates them…

**Garlic. ** Extra garlic, please.

Joni Mitchell. The best folk/rock song writer ever. Why do so many people make fun of her?

Steamed rice.

Cold weather. Can’t stand the sticky, sweaty summer. And hunting season is during the winter…

Pepper on cantaloupe. Doesn’t everyone put pepper on cantaloupe?

Living in Ohio. I LOVE it; down-to-earth folks, cheap housing, good jobs, little traffic, and not much over-crowdedness.

Eating Kiwi fruit like an apple. My in-laws about died when they saw me do it. What’s wrong with eating the skin?

Driving old piece of sh*t cars. It adds an element of excitement when you’re not sure if your car will make it the next mile.

Charmed (just moved to Sunday nights at 8:00 Pacific on the WB)

Red licorice
Sweet potatoes and yams, preferably with roasted marshmallows
Children’s candy - like Skittles and Nerds
The smell of air conditioned air.

Salted licorice. People tend to ease towards the exits when I mention that I like it…

Rainy, cloudy days and cold weather

Big, heavyset women. They are more attractive to me than the ones who maintain a slender figure. Women wth glasses also tend to turn me on for some strange reason (perhaps because I wear them myself).

I’m with Crafter_Man on Excel. I like playing around with numbers and all the functions it has, and making up colorful charts and graphs. Ditto on the black licorice (I do like red, too, though).

Wow, you mean there’s others that like fishies on their pizza? Ok, I’ll add one that “EVERYBODY” seems to hate except me and members of my family, New Coke.

Korean food yum…

Nightmares OK, let me exlpain this one. Nothing really scares me in this world as far as scary movies or stories, Huanted houses ect…nightmares are the only thing that really scare me anymore (somewhat) so to me its like being a kid all over again.

Mowing the lawn
Thunder and rainDriving a car

. . . are very soothing to me

It’s a winning combination. You can’t go wrong with piles of salty fish on a pizza.

My item would be sushi. Seems about 95% of the population hates the idea of raw fish, but has never eaten it before. Oh well, more for me. :slight_smile:

– Pistachio ice cream. Goes perfectly with curry.

– Long bus rides, provided the bus is not crowded. Hours of zoning out, looking out the windows, and having to do absolutely nothing. Bliss.

– (Warning: this one is seriously weird.) Taking the GRE’s. To my mind, it wasn’t any more stressful than a couple of hours with a puzzle magazine, and I ended up getting a bundle of free money on account of my scores. Cool!

Fran Drescher.

Robert Salvatore books.

Baking Soda toothpaste.

Oh my God YES!!!:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I also like a few Britney Spears & N*SYNC songs

A good deal of “hair metal” from the mid-late '80’s

I have every episode on tape as well as the unaired pilot.

I also love lima beans, brussel sprouts, and spinach.