Things that you LIKE that everyone else seems to hate

Black licorice
Lima beans
Liver and onions
Cold air on my face at night (winter camping would be a subset of this)
Cleveland (Ohio)
Tuvan throat singing - every time I play the CDs that I have for someone else, they just think it’s weird

I am sure that there are other people who like all these things, but most of the people I know, don’t.

I love to drive… surprised that people would hate it, really.

The English Patient… oh wait, this isn’t the “guilty pleasures” thread, is it? :wink:

MS Access… as some find Excel, I find Access. :smiley:

Count me among the people that love gloomy weather, rain, and thunder. I also like lightning, but not as much as I did before Zeus decided to fry my stereo with one of his handy-dandy thunderbolts.

Like Squish up there, I like Eminem. I don’t like that style of music generally, and I’m not big on most of your homophobic, misogynistic, or racist messages, but I like Eminem. I can’t help it. So sue me. He makes me smile.

I also like to take dried beef, smear it with cream cheese, wrap it around a dill pickle, and eat it. I’m also a fan of peanut butter and bacon on toast sandwhiches–everybody says that sounds gross, but I don’t understand.

Let’s see. I love hot days. The hotter the better. When the friendly neighborhood meteorologist comes on the TV and radio with heat warnings, I like to go outside. Not for long, but maybe an hour or so–long enough to mow the lawn or run a few miles. Yes, I know I’m weird.

Then of course there’s porn. I’ve watched it and enjoyed watching it. Not that everybody elses HATES porn, it’s just that nobody I know has ever seen any–just ask them.

I also listen to a lot of heavy metal.

i love being cold, not just chilled, like REALLY cold, i hate all heat cept a shower

and im one of those “i love driving” people, im a horrible back seat driver and cant stand how everyone else drives

I like trying to discover the motives behind my own actions.


Cool rainy days.

“The Avengers”–I think I’m one of the six people that actually liked that movie.

That most vilified meat item, the hot dog. I don’t care if it is made of horse’s teeth and sheep genitals, the texture and taste of a good hot dog can’t be beat.

Meat Loaf’s music.

Mr Thyristor- What is Tuvan throat Singing? I’m very intrigued.

Mephisto-Being a good Jewish boy I use Sizzle-lean or some other bacon style beef instead of bacon. But I know what you mean. There’s just something about the mixture of smooth, sweet peanut butter and crunchy, chewy, smokey meat.


  Pigeons-I grew up in the suburbs and only saw pigeons on vacation. I love the variety of sizes and colorations.

Bats-I admit they can carry rabies. And catching the bat that bit you is next to impossible. Without being able to examine it, you have to assume it had rabies and get the shots.
     Now that that's out of the way, I think the bat has an undeserved reputation.  They're marvellous creatures. 

Sing Mit Von Vilden Vesten-Cowboy songs, sung in German. I’ve only got this one album. But, apparently there are plenty more like it.

Hiccups-why do people try to get rid of the hiccups? There a reminder that with all our knowledge and technology there are some things we still don’t understand. Hiccups are a great reminder of the wonder of being alive.
Styrafoam peanuts- I love the sound these make when they hit cardboard. It’s like crystal rain. I’m still trying to figure out some kind of styrafoam peanut fountain.

From the Dow Chemical Web site:

Accordion music. French, Austrian, Swiss, even Chinese, I just love listening to the squeezebox.

Getting up in the pre-dawn hours.

The smell of fresh hot asphalt.

Stephen King’s Maximum Overdrive.

Gordon Lightfoot
Adam Sandler movies
Grey, windy, cool days
Dark chocolate
“Boring” scenery—e.g. most of Kansas. Love it.

Tuvan throat-singing (also known as Khoomei) is a style of singing in which the vocal cords, throat, jaw, tongue and the rest of the vocal apparatus are used to create a sound rich in certain harmonics. Some harmonics are emphasized and others reduced, so that what you end up with is a human voice singing two, and sometimes three notes at the same time, each of which can be changed in pitch.

A number of cultures have some form of overtone singing (another name for the general style) but the people of Tuva (an area in the former Soviet Union close to Mongolia) have developed this to what some feel is its finest form.

If you search using Google or some other search engine you will find a lot of info using “tuvan throat-singing” or “khoomei” as your terms.

One of the more informational sites is

Be sure and check out the sound samples there.

Some of the groups that have recordings out are:


and an American who has studied and mastered the form of Khoomei known as Kargyraa – a low, rumbling sub-bass tone with the overtones above that – Paul Pena.

Also check out the links in the first site that I listed above for all the info you could possibly want.

Yeah, but Walloon, DocCathode didn’t say “styrofoam”, he said “styrafoam”! :smiley:

I like Meatloaf too - both the musician, and the dinner item.

It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity - I LOVE the steamy summer days when you take a deep breath and nearly drown.

Folk music.

Thrift stores.

Avocados, artichokes, that fake crabmeat surimi stuff, and the truly offensive-looking combination of tuna, undiluted cram of mushroom soup and Kraft mac & cheese, all mixed together.

Overcast, cold and foggy weather. I’m very fair-skinned, so I naturally avoid direct sunlight - overcast cloud cover would be a blessing. The cold and fog make it better, but that’d just be the icing on the cake.

Cream of mushroom soup. My sister thinks it’s a vile ichor - but I guzzle the stuff with glee. Same with spinach, lima beans and most vegetables, for that matter. I think eating the apple core goes along with that as well.

Mondays. Something about Mondays that I like. It’s Tuesdays that fill me with dread.

Long-sleeved leotards. I may be the last person left alive who thinks they look excellent.


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Driving long distances.

Pawn shops (for shopping).

New age music.

Waking up early
Liver and onions
Rainy days


Huh. I like many of the things posted above. Oh well, here’s my one weird like:

The smell of skunk spray.

Okay, so I’ve never been sprayed; I’ve probably never smelled the stuff fresh, but when everyone else is cringing and holding their noses, all I smell is smoke and lemons. It’s nice.