I don’t care how big his penis is–he looks like someone who lives with his mother, in the basement. Blech. Nice pants, mister. (not).
He is. Jonah Falcon is known for being a whiny momma’s boy, and possibly for overstating the size of his penis. And he’s a bit of a Drama Llama.
h ttp://friends.portalofevil.com/sfs.php?si=3&fi=000003901
(POE May not be safe for work. Jonah falcon may not be safe for work)
So where’s his pic on Hot Chicks with Douchebags?
Quoted from the article linked in the OP
Big money to be made on the Web with that thing, Jonah. Try it.
Ah, poor baby. Get to the gym and work out. The double chin’s got more to do with your lack of dates.
Have you never been to a sex shop and seen some of the dildos they make? 13.5"? Pft.
That’s not a double chin. We told you he’s got a big one!
As much as I love cock it needs to be attached to something that doesn’t make me want to turn the lights off, hence why you’ll not see me at the local glory hole.
I don’t care whether this guy has the biggest penis in the world or not, I don’t look at him and think “Oh if only this guy had a smaller penis I might be able to connect with him”.
Hmm I knew a Jonah Falcon in the Heroes of Might and Magic community-can’t be the same guy can it? If so explains a lot (yeah he was somewhat of a jerk).
Good god, a vagful’s enough.
He ditched the tight trousers but forgot to take off the ‘I’ve got a giant cock’ t-shirt. That’s why people are so judgmental. That and his mug.
Did he have a +1 sword of cervix-bashing?
Well, the link goes to a site named SOFTpedia, so I doubt it’s the size that’s causing his dating woes!
I wonder who has the worlds deepest vagina… :dubious:
I just read the article and I gotta tell ya, they should have done some fact checking. At those dimensions, Falcon has the world’s second largest penis.
SSG Schwartz
(jes’ kiddin’. I figured I could either go for that or the ol’ standby: “How you doin?!” I’m shocked it took so many posts before someone stepped up to that plate. :))
They couldn’t get closer than 13.5 inches to it…
That would be The Amazing Ty.
If you don’t know, then I envy you.
Oh God. Extra-strength brain bleach please. Shit, give me the fuckin’ Men in Black neuralyzer.
It’s not the stepping up to the plate, it’s the not having to carry a bat. :eek: