This was fun, and I hope I made sense

Tonight, I decided to look up a particular music video, because I heard the song on the radio, and I thought it was a good song for me to sing to my wife.

Erg. Then I read the comments on the video.

“Wow. no homo but he looks better with age.”

Some SJW replied:

“What a hate filled comment for such a beautiful song… What if he were gay? Does that make the song any less good? I pray for you… :o/”

Okay, overreact much? I would have ignored the original comment, but thanks to the SJW comment I felt compelled to offer more constructive criticism. So I said:

Yeah, the “no homo” was unnecessary. Especially since neither your username nor your profile pic give any indication as to whether you’re male or female. Regardless of sex or sexual orientation, there is nothing wrong with thinking somebody of the same sex is attractive, (I am not uncomfortable, as a heterosexual, married, 50-year-old man, with saying that Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and George Clooney are very handsome men; in fact I think that Brad Pitt is possibly the most beautiful human male who has ever existed) or, as in the case of your comment, stating that a man got better looking when he was older. It’s a true statement, and does not reflect on your sexuality. “No homo” really needs to be retired. Saying “no homo” is just a confession of the speaker’s insecurity about their own sexuality.

Of course, I understand that your friends might see your comment, and they’re going to know your username and your profile pic, and know that you’re a dude. So you might have thought you needed to throw in that “no homo” bit for their benefit. And that’s okay. I understand that. But here is the best way to deal with worries about what your friends will think if you comment on another man’s appearance:

Don’t make comments on another man’s appearance.

This is where it went all wrong.

Yes, “someone may be wrong on the internet”, but no one cares. Both commenters have long moved on. They’ll never return to the video. They probably forgot that they posted five minutes later.

Realizing that fact helps keep the blood pressure down.

“SJW” gets thrown around so much it no longer has any meaning.

I keep translating that phrase as Single Jewish Woman. This makes many articles very confusing.

Brad Pitt is not even the 45th quadrillionth most beautiful human male who has ever existed. His beady little reptilian eyes alone guarantee that.

What was the song, out of curiosity?

What is SWJ?

Oh, it has meaning: its meaning reflects on the person using it (not well, IMO).

Supine Jehova Witness works well in many contexts.

SJW, according to Google, means Social Justice Warrior.

SWJ is Social Warrior of Judea.

Fucking Splitter

As a card-carrying member of the Judean Social Warriors, I say to you, THIS WILL NOT STAND!

Yeah, like anyone takes what Shodan-called-Loretta says seriously.