In the area after the first post in a thread where it shows you who has posted in the thread and you can click on a poster’s avatar and filter only their posts, I found that it isn’t appearing in the original thread after a system-generated sequel is made when the original thread gets over 10,000 posts.
But you can still achieve the same result of filtering that thread to only one user’s posts with a smidgen more work.
Starting anywhere in the first thread click the search icon = magnifying glass at upper right. Click the “in this topic” item below the input box then enter @needscoffee with the @-sign in the input box. After a few seconds a dropdown will appear with your first few posts from that thread in it. Click any one of those entries to navigate to the corresponding post. Click your avatar at the left side of that post to bring up your user card. Click the filter item = funnel icon that says [### posts in topic].
Please reread my 2nd paragraph.
I have done exactly that.
It’s a pain in the neck. I have hundreds of posts in there. Some fraction of those are links to photos. Each link needs to be clicked on. That’s why I started this thread.
to say you did the first half of my procedure to get the dropdown which doesn’t show pictures. But not the second half, the thread filtering, which does show the pictures.
Sorry I misunderstood what you meant.
However you slice it, with 600 posts in the thread you’re going to be looking at a lot of pix to ensure your proposed 621st isn’t a dupe of #302.