
Why don’t you pussies shut up and start fighting before some Mod goes and tries to move this to MPSIMS or something.

Don’t even think about it Winkelfeld.

Tip? TIP?!?
she better take out her dentures…

Yep, its loaded all right. Thanks for the reminder.

It’s too late for that, lno. He insults you, he insults me.

He owes me an apology or I’ll mount his pasty bald head in the living room of my double-wide.

That would be quite a trick since you were still puking on your mother’s fetid milk while I was out there…
…Hey wait a minute. Did you just say I was bald?

Did I stutter?

The bottoms of your feet have more hair than your head, monkey-boy. :wink:

:confused: I really don’t see what primarily dead presidents have to do with a bar and shootin’ pool, but whatever. Really, and must there be all this fightin’ over stools and things? Why can’t we all just get drunk and shoot pool . . .

[celestina grabs a pool stick]

Oooh, I just love playing pool! I ain’t played in ages though. Y’all fellas be nice now, y’hear?

Oh, and bartender, would you bring me a bottle of Peroni and a glass? Thanks, hon. I prefer to drink my beer in a glass. And if you ain’t got that, then I’ll take a shot of Oban with just a splash of distilled water.

Well, allright then. I didn’t know that bugged you. You might want to consider asking somebody to change that thing you got there over “member” so it says something different.

I dunno, how about “Yak breath”

Hey Buddy, come on in. I’ll sit you here right under Bush Sr. Just hang on for a second because I taped today’s Rush Limbaugh show. Let me replay it for you.

Need blondes at that party, cowboy? :smiley:

Sweet jezus, I can’t ever remember seeing replies come in “full automatic” mode. This is funny. Look at 'em all, 9:12, 9:12, 9:12. . .

Fuck this beer crap. Barkeep, gimme that whisky on the shelf there.

That’s right. Just bring the whole damn bottle.


My those sure are some pretty orange stretch pants your wearing.

What are yeeeew talkin’ 'bout? The music sucks ass and it’s waaaaay too bright in here. What kind of racket are you running Scylla? And where the fuck is the BLIMP?!?

Alright, I’m properly riled, who wants to fight? ::swings at the crowd::

::Grabs the Marker’s Mark and heads for the dark corner::

I asked for Your mom but Lynn and Tuba told me that you’d cry, so I’m keeping lno. It’s a good litmus test for illiteracy.

::skulks back to tip Hilda::

Is this the PMT thread?



Fine. Be Ino. See if I care.

Gotcha, ScyIIa.

Somethin’ you need to say about “double-wide”, pardner? Would the first word be “trailer” and the second rhymes with “crash”? Is that what you’re leadin’ up to? 'Cause thats mighty big talk from someone whos too wimpy to be a jarhead, not smart enough for the Coast Guard and too gay for the Navy!

I’m blood kin to the javelina, eat gila monsters for breakfast, and scratch my nuts with a K-bar. And I know where El Geeko Greco hides the good stuff.

ino, you better pack a lunch. You only get his mom after I’m done with her.