Time for all Dopers to show their mettle, and do battle with the gigantic, horrific, evil-SOB-mother of all threads.
This here, for you newcomers, is a contest. Or, as we in the biz call it, a “thingie where people compete against other people n’stuff.”
The object? Kill the thread. It’s that simple. What defines “killing?” You have to have the last post on the thread for a period of at least 24 hours. If somebody else posts within that time, you have to try again, by posting again.
Other than that, there are no rules.
Be the last poster, and earn the respect, fear, and kudos of your fellow contestants.
Last year it was particlewill. He is now forever enshrined in the Threadkillers Hall of Glory. Who will be the Super-Mega-Threadkiller-o-Doom 2001? Who knows. It may just be you.
<opens up briefcase, pulls out hat with jingly bells, two spork guns, and a spare robe, just in case>
Gettin’ it off is easy, you just need some lubrication.
Lube it up real good, pull on it a few times and it will go off in no time.
Practice it often, practice makes perfect.