(1) Unless it is an emergency, would you purdy please be so kind as to poop at home instead of the bathrooms at work.
(2) Thank you grocery stores for the little black plastic that protects our eyes from the evil that is Cosmo’s magazine cover. :roleyes:
(3) If your nose is runny, blow it. Sucking snot is enough to make me puke.
Not unless you find some other way of hiding me from my boss and blowing 15 minutes (a few minutes actually doing the deed and the rest spent reading or daydreaming).
I enjoy seeing near pornography while wasting time in a line. Either that or reading the headlines on World News.
I may forgive you if you can’t hold it, but grabbing a paperback, camping out on the toilet for 30 minutes, and stinking up not only the entire bathroom but sending a green fog 50 feet down the hallway, both directions is disgusting. Hey Stinkass, you fucking stink!
If you must shit at least give a few courtesy flushes and spray.
But why the hell are you people responding? **NO - BO - DY - CARES **
So, what? All of the working stiffs out there are just supposed to hold it until they get home? How about the bosses? Can the bosses poop with impunity, or is it just the grunts, flipping burgers and answering telephones all over this fair nation, who have to clamp down on the back door until they get home? That seems kind of discriminatory, though–definitely favoring Management over Labor, which is not what America is all about, I thought.
And I can see making all the school secretaries hold it, but how about the kids? Should we make them hold it, too, so they don’t stink up the school’s bathrooms? Or should there be some kind of age cutoff, say, only the little kids in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade would be allowed to crap in the school’s bathrooms, but all the junior high and high school kids would be expected to cultivate adult habits of self-control and wait until they get home?
How about if we passed laws requiring folks to “crap and spray”, making it a federal offense to not use that purse-sized dispenser of Glade after you’ve unloaded at your workplace? Or we could …
Or we could …
I mean–What? Huh? Hanh?
Diane? Hello? Like, what the fuck?
Ah, upon Preview, I see that she’s back and has elaborated somewhat.
Er, Diane, it takes some of longer to evacuate our bowels than others, and we don’t enjoy the process of “camping out” any more than you do, dear. And no, we don’t “save it up” and wait until we get to work to unload, just so we can make a green fog all the way down the hallway. I’m sorry that evidently you work with people who don’t understand the principle of the courtesy flush, but I don’t think that’s a good reason to require school secretaries all over this fair nation to go through unspeakable agonies just so the school’s bathroom don’t stink.
Hmmm. I actually do enjoy the whole camping out process. Gives me a chance to collect my thoughts, catch a few pages in the book I’m reading. I liken it to taking a smoke break for those of us who don’t smoke. And on a sub-concious level, there’s a good chance I do “save it up”. It’s amazing how regular I am at work, of course the 4-5 cups of coffee may contribute to that. On the plus side, saving it up gives my septic system at home a break.
As far as the porno-partitions on the Cosmo, I usually grab a copy (that’s right, a guy reads Cosmo, where else can I find out where my secret errogenous zones are?) and replace it in front of the shield. If they are out of Cosmo, the Weekly World New does in a pinch (did you see it this week? they cloned Hitler’s nose and it’s growing a moustache! Holy Miles Monroe!).
Look, I agree there should be no discrimination when it comes to pulling the old pucker string a little tighter until you get home. EVERYONE should hold it, except for me, whose shit doesn’t stink, but for the rest of you - CORK IT! YOU SMELL REALLY BAD! If you MUST crap at least give us a courtesy flush or two and S-P-R-A-Y!
And wash your hands! That is doubly gross!
I still haven’t recovered from the wall of poop fumes I slammed into this morning went I walked into the bathroom to take an innocent pee. I’ve just now regained my eyesight.
Oh Jeeeezuz, now you’re reading the WWN while you’re taking a dump?!?!?! :eek:
I think that if you’re SO concerned with being able to drop a festering, stinky wolf egg at work, you should consider the miracle of the Courtesy Flush, by which olfactory nerves are spared your previous meals. If you like the smell so much, shit your pants.
Hi Diane. I’m with you on the snotting and pooping issues. The sound of snot percolating in one’s nasopharangeal cavity makes me wanna puke! Also, If people eat normally (once at breakfast, once at lunch and once at dinner) then they typically get on a poping schedule of once in morning upon waking up and once upon returning from work (at least that is how it works with me.)
I realize everybody’s nutritional needs are different and the three squares a day method may not work for everyone. Not to mention working odd shifts.
One thing my dad demonstrated throughout his lifetime: I’f you are constantly eating, you are constantly shitting. I could tell you some stories. I loved my dad but he would shit with his bathroom door open and in the summertime, with the fans going, he would stink up the entire second floor of our house.
Look, I always flush. I’ll even opt for a half-time flush if the odor (or sheer quantity) is too much. And I’ll throw in an extra post-poop flush if I happen to leave streaks.
I’m glad somebody picked up on that. I was going to italicize it, but that would’ve been begging for attention.
All right lady, you’re starting to really piss me off.
Maybe not everyone has the tightest sphincter muscles. Plus, did you read what I said before… IT’S NOT HEALTHY TO HOLD IN YOUR SHIT! So excuse the fuck out of me if I think my health is more important.
Now, the bitch about not flushing well and not using “poop spray” I can understand. People should “clean up their messes.”