Time to Pit the Political Media

Well, I think most people are enjoying the debacle [thread=799316]over here[/thread], where the OP tried to pit iiandyiiii. Might as well combine the threads. I can’t imagine this one going any better.

You know who this guy reminds me of? That idiot who was always hiding behind what he overheard his “friends” say. He didn’t really believe that, mind, but he wanted us all to know what true Americans really thought and, boy howdy, were they pissed off. And if it wasn’t “friends,” it was “co-workers,” random folks on the street, “family members,” you name it. No siree Bob, he never thought that way in a million years, but everyone else? Natch.

That guy. Until he got banned, that is.

Accept shorter.

A looooooooooooot shorter.

At first, I thought you meant “except” shorter, but then I see what you did there.

Very meta.

Because that is what it is, it’s not Israel because the true Jews say it’s not Israel.
By the word true Jews I am pointing out the ones who follow the OT not the others, they are not truly Jews.
To be a Jew one must be a people of God and if a person is not as such then one can’t truly call them a true Jew.

A Jewish atheist ? there is no such thing because to be a Jew you must believe and follow the OT.

Jewish is not a race ! Hebrew is a race.

The media have pushed this rubbish and the political correct dogs have pushed it as correct, it’s not true !

I remember the Roman Catholic Church position on it and the media on TV were banning on about that the RRC does not accept the State as being Israel ? now the cunning media dogs who have some dolt reading the news who is just a person that know bugger all about the depth of subjects, that comes out saying that the RCC is stupid and most people agreed, but the point is most people are just dilettantes and miss read what the RCC was truly saying and that point was never raised, because the cunning media did not want to educate the people on the subject, but only to mislead.

The true Jews say it’s not Israel, but say it will be one day and they look forward to that day and it’s the most important things they truly hope for.

Now the RCC says it’s Israel and it always has, by inheritance = Jesus has come and they are his Church, now if the RCC did not say they were Israel ? who the hell are they ? not to mention such would be a rejection of Jesus Christ.
Israel means servants of God ! so if they were not claiming to be servants of God, then who the hell are they ? see.
The RCC has to call themselves Israel just as the Church of England has always done so as also the Lutherans etc.

Other so called Christian churches believe that the Jews will have the lord coming back to the State that the world knows as on TV calling it Israel today in the second coming. they use lip service to the Lord only because they don’t truly know him, just as the Jews are blinded, they are all looking but have not found, because they ask amiss, they are not of the Holy Spirit but only worldly in there out look. some may have a spirit but not of the Holy Spirit.

Derek is a big fan of Animal Farm. He regularly cosplays as Mollie.

I’m an atheist Jew who says this is crap. Any “true” Jew who wants to question my credentials is invited to first go fuck himself.

As for “Jewish State of Israel”, The country’s name is officially the State of Israel, so I guess if one felt compelled to constantly reference its majority religion, one could use “Jewish” as an adjective, though it strikes me as redundant to anyone with even a passing knowledge of the country’s history.

In case anyone needs more background on our illustrious and borderline illiterate recent new join Commodore, I offer the following recent screed:

I think this dude is the OP’s long-lost Australian uncle! :smiley:

I knew someone would get it. :smiley:

I’m surprised it was me to comment on it first.

Milliseconds of genius, I tell you.

Heh, I’d really rather not. I can guess your political bent from what little I’ve read. It just seems odd to me that your hate for Obama and Sanders doesn’t extend to the Clintons. Conservative pundits have screamed about them for years, yet you think the left-wing has made Hilary into a neo-Con. Are you saying you prefer her to be more liberal?

I want her to be as liberal as she can and still get the shit done. I’m an idealist, she is a professional politician, advised by a political expert. When Bernie says a thing should be done, he is probably right. So am I, and so what? Everybody has to come with us, or we can’t go there.

You are the opposite of your username.

I’m with him.

Atheist Jew, no such thing, as I pointed out.
One maybe from a Jewish background, but a atheist is just a Pagan and a pagan is an total insult to a true Israelite.

Yes any simple minded fool knows it’s called the State of, but being informed that the true people of the OT do not regard it as the true Israel yet and sure an atheist is total ignorant of that fact, some Jew :o that is an embarrassment to Judaism and the reason why the State was created.
They did not want just a dumping ground for pagans as you can get that anywhere and such makes occupying the land nil avoid.
The True Jews want to be Gods people and true Israel serves God, not simple minded pagan madness.
As I said before what the words mean, Jews = Gods people and Israel means the Servants of God.

I am just pointing out the fact as the true Jews see it and any other way is like trying to look up an horses ass to see what his teeth look like.

And you’re wrong. Cite: me. So you’ve lost (more accurately - never had) any authority on what is a “true” Jew or Israelite.

Actually, that’s incorrect*. As per Wikipedia:

One Hebrew name that *does *mean “servant of god” is “Ovadia”, which is usually translated as “Obadiah” in English; the common Arabic name “Abdullah” has the same meaning.

  • This is not to imply that anything else you wrote was correct. In fact, best as I can tell, everything you have ever posted is wrong. I just wanted to address this specific point.

Just another detail you have wrong…

Pagans were those that still worshipped the old Gods.
In contrast to the christianised people, usually living in the city, people in the countryside for long still had the old religions and traditions.

The Latin word for countryside being Pagus and a Pagan is thus someone from the countryside.

Same with ‘Heathen’; those living on the heath (and thus still worshipping the old Gods).

Hold on, hold on: Australian, antisemitic, possibly drunk, follower of a obscure, reactionary Catholic sect… Commodore, does your last name happen to be Gibson?

