to click or not to click

when you post a reply or start a topic, you get the message (or at least I do) that you can either wait for your browser to fwd you or click here if you don’t want to wait any longer. I usally click, and want to know from the teeming millions:
What do you do, Click or wait? Or do you not get that message?

and to the Moderators:
What is that wait for? is there an advantage to clicking or waiting?

It says “Wait two seconds,” doesn’t it?

I always wait. The alternative would be to look like the guy standing in the elevator jamming his thumb on the “Close Door” button.

i always wait. frankly, if it took any less time i’d think it was broken.

if wishes were fishes, we could walk on the ocean.

I believe I wait as well, but I’m usually on while I am at work, so I find myself clicking on reply and quickly changing to another window.

Kinooning it up for 20 years and counting

I almost always wait, unless it has been stuck there for a couple minutes, with the URL in the Location bar still showing “postings.cgi” and not “006256.html”. Then I click.

I would also like to point out that to those of us with our minds in the gutter, a “c” and an “l” right next to each other look like a “d”. Thank you.

Heck is where you go when you don’t believe in Gosh.

As I right-click to post, I usually close the redirect window that pops up and move on.

Or I wait. :wink:

“If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.”
“Well, there was that thing with the Cheese-Wiz…but I’m feeling much better now!” – John Astin, Night Court

I will never look at the word click the same again :slight_smile:

Keep smiling it makes 'em wonder what you’ve been up to.

So, NTG, I assume your answer to the question you saw would be no. :wink:

Wait. Does that mean that “ditoris” is wrong? No wonder I can’t get laid.