Did it make you feel big? Did it make you feel clever? Did it make you feel like this huge macho hunk of manhood? Did it feel really really good to punch someone?
My brother is 18 years old, and had been staying with me for two weeks whilst doing a work experience placement in my department. I put him on the train home on Sunday.
I called my parents on Monday evening, after my viva, and my mother informed me that my brother’s in hospital. He was at school, in the common room, doing his homework, and this other guy was messing with the lights, switching them on and off, that kind of thing. My brother, attempting to work, told this guy to stop messing. What did the other guy do? The bastard punched my brother. In the eye.
Currently, my brother’s eye is more or less swollen shut, he can open it partially with much pain, and his vision is blurry and double. The doctors have told my parents that my brother’s eye socket has been damaged, probably broken, just above the cheek. My brother’s going to have to have surgery to get it put right.
To the goat-felching fuckwit who did this to my brother: What the flying fuck were you thinking??? You were asked, perfectly fucking reasonably, to stop playing with the goddamned light. And you took that as licence to punch my brother? You complete and utter fucking twat.
Oh, and as for the school’s “punishment” for this waste of space, they’ve fucking suspended him for the rest of the week only. What the fuck? This jerk assualts another student, putting him in hospital, and you merely suspend the fucker. What the fuck???:mad:
Luckily, my parents and my brother are intending to press criminal charges. Seeing as the bastard’s admitted it, he’ll probably get charged with “Actual Bodily Harm”. But, because the idiot’s admitted it, he’ll more than likely simply be given “community service” or whatever they’re calling it these days.
Aaargh. It makes me so fucking mad. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: