To the genius in my ecology class

I loathe you. You are easily one of the most intelligent people I have ever met in my life. You seem to have knowledge on every subject in existance, and have a wit that could choke a horse. You’re the funniest bastard I know. You’re eighteen years old.

Why, WHY praytell do you waste your time and mine prattling on and on and on about marijuana like a freshman who just tried it? You could be doing so many better things with your words. Write a book, talk about Buddhism with me.

But for the last time, I DO NOT CARE HOW MUCH POT YOU SMOKE. Please, tell me a joke that doesn’t revolve around marijuana. Every other thing you say is hilarious and intelligent.

Such a waste.

Well, probably because he is a freshman who has just tried it. You are dealing with the zeal of the newly converted. The newly converted are a loathesome and boorish breed, whether they be brand-new Scientologists or reformed cigarette smokers. He’ll calm down in a few months.

If you loathe him, why are you listening to him? I find it easy to avoid social chit-chat with people I loathe. It sounds as if you like him, but disapprove of his drug references–or is it his drug use?

If you are not comfortable with talk about drugs, why don’t you tell him? He will make an effort to avoid the topic, or (if he pervceives disaproval) his friendliness toward you will cool. Either way, you won’t have to hear the drug jokes.

What I’m getting from this, sugaree, is that this kid has huge potential and is happily squandering it wasting his time talking about one subject only - getting wasted.

Have you told him how boring you find his pot talk, ForumBot? Have you tried politely guiding him away from that topic, onto things that you both have an interest in? If you’ve tried both subtle and bold, and he still talks about only one thing, then write him off for now. We don’t make friends with people’s potential - we make friends with people as they are.

(And I agree with sugaree - he probably will calm down when he gets over what a big rebel he’s being. Doing something that’s not illegal in Canada - whoo! He’s a wild man!)

I know how you feel Forum. I have an intelligent friend who talks about his use of ecstasy constantly. He’s only 16 and is in college with me (In 8th grade he was bumped to 11th grade, and put into Calculus–he’s very smart). I’ve only known him since he came here a year and a half ago, but it still kills me that he is wasting his intelligence. I guess he is so focused on being cool because he didn’t have a normal high school life. I had no idea what ecstasy was until I came to america 2 1/2 years ago, and have since found out how much it is used by America’s youth. It’s very sad. :frowning:

You know, Paradoxical, I’m not sure bumping kids grades like that is a good thing. There’s a certain amount of growing and maturing that has to be done in the first twenty years of life, and it takes a year to get a year’s worth of maturity. Putting a grade eight kid in a grade 11 class may be great for him academically, but he has to live the rest of his life with the social and psychological skills he builds as a teen/young adult.

First off. Pot isn’t illegal in Canada? I thought it was! Maybe thats why Canadians are so odd…runs away

Secondly. Follow those Anti-Drung Commercials, and follow them. Confront him about his pot smoking addiction. A smart and witty should not be a druggy. He should be doing better things.

Medical use only, I believe.

Dear Lord, no no no, don’t do this. Our drug policy blows and so does our “drug awareness” policy. Please don’t perpetuate that bag of lies and half-truths.

Man, it’s a parallel thread… for a similar one, check out this one.

Better cite. Contains information on “harm reduction” policy model.

Crap, that actually made me put my bong down for a moment and think…

…meh :cool:

ForumBot, if you are seriously concerned about this young man talk to him about it. Yust might save him from a lifetime of disapointment. Just keep in mind that the “You’re have too much intelligence to waste it on drugs” speech sounds pathetic and might distance him from you. Here’s hoping he comes to his senses.

If you can’t beat them…

get off your high horse forumbot and fuck him/her already.

drugs are sacred. why does it surpise you that he loves weed? contrary to what your dumbfucking parents tell you people do not all smoke weed to be cool, sometimes people do drugs because they can provide beautiful experiences not attainable otherwise.

granted, weed is not the most exciting drug … ecstacy is :slight_smile: so thats what you two can talk about next time :slight_smile:

I don’t have any problem with him smoking marijuana. It’s the fact that he continues to talk about it on and on and on, as if we’re as fascinated with it as he is. I admit, I was fascinated to learn the science of the different chemicals, and factors in growing, but after he started repeating himself (two and three times), I became extremely annoyed.

Now he’s turned into a moron telling me “hey, ever eaten a pizza?” “yes” “well it’s better when you’re high!”

sigh He could be so much more interesting, I can see it.

Ugh. Enhancers. I hate them.

I always thought pot was the most ridiculously overrated drug of all time. It’s not worth the ridiculous amount of money, the effort, or the obscene penalties to get it.

“As Mayor of Druggachusetts, I declare this pizza to be: AWESOME!”

This smart and witty pot-head takes exception to that.

Isn’t being high on life good enough for you without needing to spark a bowl? Well… isn’t it…?.. Punk!!

Miller mutter’s something about “the strength of 10 thousand camels” and reaches languidly for his pipe, while astro cries silent tears over Miller’s possession by the demon weed.

Getting high on life is okay, but the withdrawal is a real killer.

I’ll blaze to that.
(Another smart and witty pothead checking in.)

Are you promoting ecstacy use? Cause if you are, I’m not sure that’s kosher on these boards.

i was only promoting discussion of it :wink: OKAY ???

but forumbot, everything IS better on weed, i dont know about pizza cuz i dont eat pizza but …

featherlou has a point :frowning: