Im a very firm freedom of speech guy dont get me wrong. But what the hell are these morons doing? Spraying acid in polices faces? Menacing policemen? Rioting like uncivilized animals? Even something non violent like laying down in the middle of the road! Look you fuckin nitwhits…we are at WAR here, like it or not, the terrorist alerts are on high, and the police in NYC should be hard at work finding lurkers under bridges, and people with trenchcoats on with wires sticking out from the bottom, not babysitting a bunch of unruley assholes.
Protest your heart out i dont care. Carry a big sign so everyone in a city block gets your point too. But opinions are like assholes,everyones got one and yours is no more important or more worthy of note than anyone elses,unless youve been elected to office. So stop thinking your all self sacrificial and such a great person by making such a strong moral stand for your beliefs. NO your being an obstructionist asshole who is taking up valuable police time and resources, and if another building collapses because police wernt where they needed to be so you could have a clean conscience then FUCK YOU.
Obviously, many people don’t really understand the “civil” part of civil disobedience. They make ME want to forget the precise definition of “police brutality.”
Right - I’ll agree with this when the police stop wasting time writing out parking tickets and setting up speed traps, instead of looking for terrorists.
And the reason that we are at a high terror alert status is BECAUSE we are at war. If we hadn’t started the invasion, we probably wouldn’t be at the higher alert stage.
Personally, I think the Bushies must be organizing these protests, ‘cuz they’re doing more to discredit the “peace” movement than anything else goin’ on right now…
No, we were at high alert levels even before the war began.
No, we were at orange then it dropped a level, then went back up when the war started.
We have just seen protests (read riots) in Sydney too. High school children and younger attacking the police. Police being hospitalised as a result. Of course, these little shitbags will be the first to complain of police brutality when the police defend themselves.
The Australian reported that they actually walked the streets chanting ‘we want a riot’.
If I see any of these scum would it be considered pre-emptive self-defense to knock them on the head?
That may be Amp, but the military build-up in the Middle East as a prelude to war may have had a little something to do with the increased alert levels.
[nitpick]Traffic police, while now part of the NYPD, are not trained in much else than writing traffic tickets. The ones I see writing tickets are all unarmed. A recent article in a local Queens paper stated they only receive limited self-defense training. I’d expect some more training recently on how to handle terror attacks, but have no cites for that.[/nitpick]
[Nitpick] NYC (and perhaps D.C as well) did not drop from Orange with the rest of the country before the war started. We maintained the Orange alert level. [nitpick]
FYI, New York City has been on orange since the system was started.
Is this actually happening, or do we have a little hyperbole here? I check the news from time to time but had not heard of anything other than the asinine lying down in the street nonsense. Which is dumb enough as it is. I agree that law enforcement folks have better things to do than deal with that. Not to mention what if an ambulance or fire truck needs to get through there?
sorry - didn’t realize that .
What I’d like to know, as a working man for one of the “evil American corporations” that the protesters abhor, is: Do these people have jobs? I don’t know anyone that can just march and be “civilly” disobedient all the time without risking termination. I mean, there are only so many trinket stands, smoke shops, and coffee houses out there…
In any case, I work on fifth in midtown, and will be making my way towards my buddy’s building on sixth for lunch. I’ll have a pocket full of pennies to throw at these morons if I happen upon any. Maybe I should pick up a baseball bat for the future…
Well in addition to wasting time writing tickets, even more is being wasted babysitting these little fucks.
Don’t they have jobs? Seriously.
Protest till you’re blue in the face, just stay the fuck out of my way.
The sad thing is that the antiwar movement is being led by a coterie of self-righteous, uninformed, anti-American twits who do not care who they fuck over and who they inconvenience as long as they get their pictures in the paper. Assmonkeys.
It’s enough to make the shades of Gandhi, MLK, and Bertrand Russell weep with frustration at their legacy of active resistance being pissed on by these fatuous morons.
Plus, at least traffic and parking tickets bring in some revenue to help reduce NYC’s budget issues right now.
Correct Neurotik, it is costing NYC $5 million dollars a week for Operation Atlas (I believe this is in addition to Code Orange security measures). GWB always claims that he will give us money but he still owes us money he promised from 9/11.
Like it or not lawoot the NYPD job entails more than either writting traffic tickets or terrorism protection. If you live here then I am saddened that you have already forgotten the two undercover officers killed less than two weeks ago trying to get gun dealers off our streets.
Maybe we should get the LAPD out here to deal with those protesters, hehe.
So, we’re obstructionist assholes.
I’d say the anti-American ignorant fucks are those who are more up in arms over a traffic delay then their government killing brown people in their name; Or the 47% who think Saddam and 9/11 are linked; or ignorant twits like Wyld Stallyn who thinks bashing in the heads of non-resisting protestors with a baseball bat is the right thing to do.
How does “non-resisting” include throwing acid at police, or spraying them with Mace?
I heard it on O’Reilly last night - however, I can’t find anything on line that will confirm it. He was talking with two guys in Oregon I think it was - one, a readio talk show host, who wanted protestors to be classified as terrorists, the other, a senator or something, said it was, for lack of a better word, um stupid.
In any event, I can’t find confirmation or where it was supposed to have taken place, but I heard on TV that it did. How’s THAT for a cite?