Does anyone know where I can get a Tommy Bartlett’s Thrill Show bumpersticker, without actually going to one of the shows? I can make it into the area, (Wisconsin Dells, WI) but I’m not planning on going to a show any time soon.
For the uninitiated, Tommy Bartlett’s Thrill Show is a waterskiing show in central Wisconsin, USA. I have a co-worker, named… Tom Bartlett. He lives 2000 miles away, and never knew he had his own thrill show. I think he really needs a bumpersticker (or maybe his wife needs a bumpersticker)
Robot World was quite a hoot to see. I realy felt like i was stepping into the future.
But i must say that all of the things in the “science room” (the one where they have the demostration things like the telephone with the delay) is rockin.