Tommy Bartlett's Thrill Show Bumpersticker

Does anyone know where I can get a Tommy Bartlett’s Thrill Show bumpersticker, without actually going to one of the shows? I can make it into the area, (Wisconsin Dells, WI) but I’m not planning on going to a show any time soon.

For the uninitiated, Tommy Bartlett’s Thrill Show is a waterskiing show in central Wisconsin, USA. I have a co-worker, named… Tom Bartlett. He lives 2000 miles away, and never knew he had his own thrill show. I think he really needs a bumpersticker (or maybe his wife needs a bumpersticker)

Looks like their address, phone number and e-mail are on their site:

If I’m not mistaken, ol’ Tommy Bartlett has a water-skiing squirrel. He’s the main attraction.

Oh Tommy Bartlett!!!

Robot World was quite a hoot to see. I realy felt like i was stepping into the future. :wink:

But i must say that all of the things in the “science room” (the one where they have the demostration things like the telephone with the delay) is rockin.

It’s even better if you’ve had a few drinks.

My Chicago raised father once related the story of when his folks took the kids to the TBTS.

When they were leaving, they noticed EVERY car in the lot had the bumper sticker on their bumper…including Grandpa’s…

Apparently, it was Tommy Bartlett policy to decal every car in the lot.

So I’m now a third generation TBTS boycotter, even though I can’t imagine this still goes on.