Tomorrow is our most grumpy moderator's birthday!

“Vibrators, schmibrators. For a real orgasm, get the Clitori Shotgun! Only $19.95!”
[sub]Void where prohibited.[/sub]

Hey UncleBeer, have a good one. :slight_smile:

wow, uncle beer, you have the good fortune to be born on the finestkind day of the year! (although i do think that feb. 29th would be wicked cool, but who knows from leap years inutero.)

may you have many happy and heathly years.

Suck up?

Suck up?

Suck up?

Don’t mind if I do.



Yeah HB, UB. Come to Ottadope and I’ll buy you a beer… Coldfire… you too (you didnt even respond to your invite!)

But in case you do not make it UB… Have one for me (on your tab since I cant very well buy you one from here…)

Ha ha! Happy birthday, Uncle Beer, from one Pisces to another! :smiley: (My birthday is in 9 days.)

Coincidently, today is my mom’s 60th birthday! Lots of birthdays going around…

Gee, I don’t know… A GRUMPY moderator with a powerful weapon. I just don’t want to end being interviewed on CNN: “Yes, I knew one day he’d snap and shoot up the place.”




Here I was thinking you were a responsiple gun owner, and you are actually considering shooting trap? I have a perfectly good Browning Citori skeet gun I would have been perfectly willing to let you borrow, but, NOOOOO, TrembleBeer wants to shoot boring-old-smelly-fat-don’t-want-to-walk-ten-feet-or :pant: :pant: (I’m out of shape) actually-swing-the-gun-more-than-I-have-to TRAP!


Happy Birthday from a fellow NWO Doper (originally) . :slight_smile:

No, he’s a Grumpy DRUNKEN Moderator with a Powerful Weapon.


Happy Birthday, UncleBeer!

Have one on me, UncleBeer!


I hear tell he may have a firearm, too. :wink:

Have a good one, Bob!

Even I knew who was meant by the OP…I always enjoy a good Pitting :slight_smile:
Many happy returns etc.

Have a good one!

You are the Uncle of my Beer. And I’ll loan you my bolt-action 16-gauge anytime.
Happy B-day!

Happiest of birthday’s, UncleBeer!!!

Happy Birthday, Bob!

Yesterday was my daughter’s sixth birthday. Made me feel kinda old.

But not as old as you. HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!

Have a great one! :smiley:

Hugs and… another hug… Happy Birthday my friend…

Happy birthday to one of the two dopers I’ve actually met. I have a 1:1 Normal to Mod ratio.

Grumpy Old Men, move over, you got another member.

Happy birthday, Unc! You’re catchin’ up with me!