Too clever for his own good

My wife rescued a little dog the week of Thanksgiving. She found him on the street, with a badly infected and broken leg and it took her an hour to finally get him to come to her. He’s been to the vet several times to get his leg infection under control. He also must have broken his jaw at some point, which gives him a rather rakish look.

He’s probably the smartest, or at least the cleverest, dog I’ve ever owned. He was able to get out of a dog-proof metal crate, and both our kiddie barriers. I put up a piece of cardboard with some clamps to prevent him from getting though the upstairs barrier.

My wife had to go out of town last weekend, and before she left she said “I only have one request: Don’t hurt the Little Dog.” I had a lot of work to do in the garage, so I left all the dogs on the landing, and put the double-barrier up so the Little Dog wouldn’t get upstairs. I was out in the garage for around 15 minutes, and came in to find that the Little Dog had managed to push aside the cardboard, and squeeze under the kiddie gate, and was standing on the kitchen table, surrounded by the remains of the Ferrero Rocher Chocolates my wife had bought me. The fact that he only has three good legs didn’t slow him down a bit.

So, off to the Emergency vet, where they induced vomiting, and said that it would have been a problem if I didn’t get there in time. He probably ate 10 of them, and he only weighs 10 lbs.

I think of him as a living R2D2 (That little dog is going to cause me a lot of trouble).

Meet Iggy.

We are at our best when we are kind to the neediest among us.

Iggy looks like a lot of trouble, the stories will be legendary.


What cute boy! Who’s handsome? Who’s handsome! That’s right; you are!

Looks a little like Harry Dean Stanton.

He’s adorbs! And thanks to Iggy, I think of my own dog as tame and reasonable!

I have a dog named Iggy also, and he’s our biggest troublemaker. The worst of it is, he’s so cute he gets away with every damn thing. You’ll see…
And by the way, good job getting him to the vet on time!

Oh my goodness he’s so cute!! What an adorable little troublemaker <3

So glad you and your wife were able to open your home to this guy. Even if you decided you couldn’t take on another dog, just getting him out of the street and to a vet is far more than what most people would have done, or would have been able to do even if they wanted to. You both sound pretty friggin’ awesome.

Iggy needs a theme song…


I do not know any dogs named Iggy, but I do know several Iguanas named Iggy. Each of the iguana owners think they’re clever, and that their Iggy is a one-of-a-kind.:smiley:

<total fucking hijack> 99% of iguanas are named Iggy.

Furthermore, a startlingly high number of ball pythons are named Monty. (As in … Monty Python! nyuck nyuck) Except for blue eyed leucistic (BEL) females, which are now required by law to be named Khaleesi.

Here’s what BELs look like … and check out that price tag!

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Please come back with more tales of Iggy and his clever (mis)deeds! We all know there will be plenty to share.

I’ve seen blue eyed leucistic snakes, they are striking (heh).

Similarly, there is a red factor Congo African Grey. They go for whatever the market will pay, here is a red factor chick.

I see intelligence and mischief in those eyes. I love the Elvis smirk! He sounds like an intrepid, clever little fellow. I bet he’d be great at those obstacle course competitions.

What an endearing puppy!

Welcome Iggy. He’s adorable!
beowulff should a similar circumstance arise, you can safely induce vomiting in dogs with hydrogen peroxide. There are charts online with instructions on the amount by the weight of the dog, the type of hydrogen peroxide, and so on. I once had to do it for three dogs (a Newfie, a Swissie, and a Malinois) who got into a 6 pound bag of Halloween candy. The Malinois was eating M&Ms one by one when I found them :rolleyes:. Anyhoo, there was no vet open, so I used the HP method to induce vomiting. It worked like a charm. The whole backyard smelled overwhelmingly of chocolate with a soupçon of vomit afterwards.

Sunny, excellent advice. We have a pet first aid kit and H2O2 is a key item, along with diphenhydramine, lo-dose aspirin, eye rinse in a squeeze bottle, silver nitrate, gauze and vet wrap, etc.

How could you accuse such an adorable innocent of wrong-doing?

What actually happened was that burglars broke in, with the express purpose of stealing the chocolates and using them to poison other dogs. Iggy’s eating the chocolates was a noble act of heroic self-sacrifice.

Leet the Wonder Dog[sup]TM[/sup] is motivated by similar altruism when he rescues my un-attended lunch.

Our lives are ennobled by these simple acts of heroism. Plus, Nice Walks.


Did the expensive Vet elaborate on chocolate being poisonous to dogs? My understanding is that it is only baker’s chocolate that is poisonous to them.

My vet said that dark chocolate, and Baker’s Chocolate were very bad. But, my dogs have eaten countless solid, milk chocolate Easter bunnies, foil, and all, and lived to tell about it.

All chocolate is toxic, Baker’s chocolate is the worst, milk chocolate is not as dangerous. But, he is a tiny dog, and ate a lot of candy. Even though the online resources said he would probably survive, I knew I wouldn’t if anything happened to him, so off we went.