Tosh .0 isn't funny

His smugness is no match for the smugness in this thread.

Kilborn doesn’t balance it with the self-effacing stuff. I think Tosh’s bits which involve inviting viewers to insult him (like when he told them to go and sabotage his own wiki page) are some of the best bits on the show, and he reads them back with arch “smugness” with which he does the rest of the show. He takes worse than he gives and begs for more.

And he’s never a dick to the people he brings on for his web redemptions. He may make jokes but nothing insulting (except for maybe the white homeboy rapper or whatever. But that guy was a dumbass and deserved it).

I find the show funny. Most of the videos are new to me. I’m almost 30.

Never seen the self-effacing stuff, but never really watched long enough before switching channels. Just a matter of taste; even if I’d caught the self-deprecation, I find him howlingly unfunny.

My favorite web redemption was the crying Giants fan. I loved the fake “press conference” composed entirely of heckling Eagles fans.

“I have a two part question. Eli Manning sucks, and go fuck you yourself.”

I’m almost 50 and I love the show.

I’ll never understand why some people feel the need to tell others what they can/can’t find amusing. Some people love the stooges… some hate them. Some people love British humor… some think it is stupid. Each to their own. If I don’t find it funny, I don’t watch it. No harm no foul.

So. . . you wont be voting yes on Prop Tosh.0 in November? It’s my ballot initiative to ban Tosh.0 from the air and make it a criminal offense to even repeat his jokes. See, when the rest of us said we didn’t like him, what we actually meant is that we want to stop others from watching him-- but I, being a real mover and shaker, have taken it a step farther.

Always the over achiever aren’t you.

By the way… I found this funny.

That was the funniest thing ever. I love how frequently he sprinkles in NFL jokes, especially because they’re the only funny NFL jokes I’ve ever heard in my life.

I enjoy Tosh. I record his show weekly and watch it the next morning while I get ready for work, starts my day off with some laughs. Also enjoy his stand up, would be go seeing him on his tour but it sold out (2 shows here) before I could get tickets.

For anyone else who likes him - go to the Comedy Central website and find the 20+ minute un-cut “Human Centipede” spoiler video. Extremely NSFW language and very funny!

This 40 year old white guy loves Tosh.0.
Tosh on American Idol: That show is terrible. The only success that came off of their was that really fat guy that won one year… Kelly Clarkson.

I love Tosh.0, by the way.

It’s sometimes even funnier than the Soup, which I love.

I’m 37 and I love Tosh.0. I find it much funnier than The Soup or any other web video show.

I love Tosh’s style of humor. I guess it’s the huge contrast in his ego. I was really surprised he beat Stewart and Colbert in ratings recently though. I didn’t think his style would go over very well for most.

I love Tosh.0. He has a marvelous grasp on snark, and I can’t be bothered to sift through the internets for all these “viral videos.” I’m wondering what sorts of things people who don’t find him funny enjoy. Stephen Fry called Doctor Who a “children’s show” a few weeks back, so I’m starting to feel like I’m out of touch with the world, lol…

Doctor Who may well be a children’s show. That’s when I first loved it,watching with my dad. And now, when watching with my daughter, I definitely feel the childish humor coming out of me… “Ex-TER-min-ate!”

I was willing to give him a chance until he did like two minutes of oneliners about how some ridiculously tall brazilian model hides her penis. I’m all for snark but that sort of thing isn’t funny and verges on hateful.

It was ~20 seconds.

As if that somehow mitigated it.